Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Drat.  Got a phone call last night advising we were exposed to Covid.  We spent the greater part of a day with the person who has it, plus shared a meal.   Out of respect, we've called off all our social interactions this week.  We're hoping we'll be spared, but will wait to see.  

Today is Valentine's Day, the day of love, hearts, candy and flowers.  One out of 365 is better than nothing.  Our household doesn't get too excited about the calendar's call for mush and attention.  We rather infuse it in our every day life.  The way I see it, the pretty flowers die in a few days, and the chocolates make me fat.  Instead, we took a couple of steaks out of the freezer, and we'll enjoy a special meal together.....just like we do every night of the year.

Gloomy out.  Light rain.  Forecast calls for some inclement weather.  The only time a person sees the word "inclement" is related to the weather.  Can't help but be curious as to the definition of that rarely used word.  I find that it generally refers to unpleasant weather, although it can be used to describe less than ideal behaviors in a person.  Hmmmm.

Another shooting at Michigan University last night.  Three dead with five critically wounded.  Shooter took his own life, and we do appreciate that.  One less violent crazy walking the earth.  Wonder how many there actually are roaming the same ground as the rest of us possible victims.  Can't help but wonder who's lurking anytime I go out among people.  

It's about time for me to hit the fridge and put together one of my deluxe salads with iceberg lettuce, green onions, blueberries, fresh mushrooms, grated cheddar, Ken's Vidalia Onion dressing, topped with french fried onions.  

I'll post the same on my blog as on my FB page saluting Valentine's Day.  I choose a bit unconventional approach to this day.  I choose to express my gratitude.


  1. Your dinner sounds tastefully good. (Pardon the pun.)

  2. Hello from Doug and Bonnie. Catching up on your blog this morning. It appears you and Dale have been busy this past winter with the G-clan and friends engaging in fun activities. We are well here up north. Give Dale a big hug & smooch from me (Bonnie).

  3. B.C. Bonnie......what a sweet surprise! As instructed, Dale received a hug and smooch from you. He loved it! Pass on the favor and give your lovable roommate a hug and smooch from me. Think of you both often, and, of course, your fur family inside and outside the house.
