Monday, February 13, 2023


2023 Super Bowl mania is in the past.  According to Forbes, $9,000 was the average ticket price for the Chiefs-Eagles game.  Typically, tickets didn't go for more than $30,000 anywhere, although there was one outlier that listed a ticket for a suite at VividSeats at $418,182.  That's a lot of cabbage in any garden!

Another concerning object was shot down by the military over Lake Huron.  That's four objects in the past two weeks.  The news briefings that follow are hollow and tell us nothing except they don't know the what, why or where details.  It should be within the realm of normal expectation that the president would address the nation and give us some answers.  The powers know more than they're telling us.

I've begun my Tao daily readings.  Each day offers me a page of meaningful words that point my mind to stillness and silence.  "Muddy water will become clear if allowed to stand undisturbed, and so too will the mind become clear if it is allowed to be still."  

The Resilience book I'm reading enlightened me to this interesting thought.  Using a jig-saw puzzle as an example.  When we are born we are each given a box of puzzle pieces.  What we aren't given is a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like.  That's the challenge.  It might take a year for two pieces to fit together, maybe more.  Over the course of a lifetime the pieces start making sense, but not until the last puzzle piece is in place do we see the whole picture of life, how it all makes sense at the end.  All the questions we had along the way are answered, things fall into place.  The picture isn't necessarily pretty, but the main thing is our endurance, our acceptance and our struggle to complete the puzzle.  

I thought that was a wonderful analogy, one that we all can relate to.  Even before I buy a jig-saw puzzle, I look to find a puzzle picture that I like.  Well, life doesn't give us a picture when we start out, we simply have to trudge along, one piece fitting into another, years pass until we finally see the result.  

Today is sunny, my sun catchers have rainbows and polka dots dancing on the walls.  The other day I started making one and then stopped.  Maybe today I'll get back at it.  Over the weekend, a box arrived in the mail.  I bid on an eBay stash of broken wooden jewelry.  Holy cats, didn't realize what a bonanza buy it was.  Four zip-lock baggies of perfect bracelet-making wooden beads.  Now my brain is thinking of wood instead of glass and plastic beads.  Just enough of a difference for my creative juices to get riled.  Every bead will have to be cleaned, of course.

My monthly newsletter is due, and am happy to say that it's written and ready to zip off to the editor.  That's about all that's on today's must-do list.  My to-do list takes the back seat to my must-do list.  Think it's that way for most procrastinators.