Bear with me, as I go to my Tao daily readings for blog inspiration. As they inspire me, perhaps they will offer a similar inspiring thought for my followers. Each of us processes and interprets words in different ways, and that's what is so powerful and beautiful about the human mind. It's what makes each of us unique.
Solitary, white, not moving for hours.
A fish! Quick avian darting;
The prey captured.
People always ask how to follow Tao. It is as easy and natural as the heron standing in the water. The bird moves when it must; it does not move when stillness is appropriate.
The secret of its serenity is not in mere dumbness or sleep. It knows an instinctual stillness. It stands motionless in the flow of the water. It gazes unperturbed and aware. When Tao brings it something that it needs, it seizes the opportunity without hesitation or deliberation. Then it goes back to its quiet without disturbing itself or its surroundings. Unless it found the right position in the water's flow and remained patient, it would not have succeeded.
Actions in life can be reduced to two factors: positioning and timing. If we are not in the right place at the right time, we cannot possibly take advantage of what life has to offer us. Almost anything is appropriate if an action is in accord with the time and the place. But we must be vigilant and prepared. Even if the time and the place are right, we can still miss our chance if we do not notice the moment, if we act inadequately, or if we hamper ourselves with doubts and second thoughts. When life presents an opportunity, we must be ready to seize it without hesitation or inhibition. Position is useless without awareness. If we have both, we make no mistakes.
As I sit here mid-day watching three deer in the stubble field across the drive, they offer a sense of the same calmness as the words about the heron. We benefit greatly by backing away from everyday routine and taking time to seek the good and the beautiful that does exist alongside our violent society. It's up to us to find for ourselves those moments of peace that can comfort and console. The world is ever-changing from one second to the next. Five minutes ago the three deer were in one spot, and not five minutes later they have slowly meandered their way to another place. Each second changes our life, and each of us is responsible for searching for and finding that which will gratify our individual self.
The boyfriend has gone shopping for our groceries, while the putz and I stay back. Got a sweet phone call from one of my Venny girlfriends a few minutes ago. Our Venny Newsletter came out today, and she called to compliment my article. I told her she made my day. Complimenting others is a random act of kindness that's very easy for all of us to do for one another. I believe that kindness has the power to change our world.