Sunday, February 19, 2023


Just gave the boyfriend a haircut.  It's kinda fun having him behave when I'm holding an electric razor near his head.  That's about the only time he behaves!

The blue sun catcher is the one I made yesterday.
Sun catchers are on the inside, Cuddy is outside.

Cuddy spent a short while on the deck this morning, it's a warm late-winter, pre-spring day here.  Sun is shining, walkers and joggers are out, some giving their dogs a chance to walk off bottled-up energy.  We remember when little Cuddy walked around Venny from his house, but his age now prevents him from doing that anymore.  We console him and his maladies, cuz we firsthand know what it's like to gradually lose our physical strengths and abilities.  His sight and hearing are not as they were, but then neither are ours.  We, along with the other creatures born to life, share an ocean of experiences and feelings.  No matter who we are or where we are, tons of others are feeling the exact same way.  I think sometimes we forget that and feel isolated, closed up in our own world.  Imagine there are 8 billion of us humans living on planet Earth at this very second.  Imagine also the trillions of human emotions, feelings, situations, suffering, joy and fun going on.  It's a wonder the Earth can withstand the vibrations.   

Have a couple of quotations from the book Resilience to punctuate and perpetuate.....

Our suffering comes from our minds, from the way we turn things over and over, the way we worry, the way we fear things that haven't happened yet.  Try to look at things as they actually are in this moment, stripped of fear and worry, and you're likely to find that you can better bear your pain.

Don't keep an injury alive and open long after it should have become a hard-won scar.

I'll close with an intriguing question.......Where does our wonder and curiosity come from?