Sunday, February 26, 2023


 A few minutes ago the two of us finished giving Cuddy a bath in our kitchen sink.  In the past, we took him to his groomer's, but this time we did it ourselves.  I'm here to report that he was a very good boy and think he feels like a million bucks now.  We didn't use the blow dryer on him, so he's kinda rolling around and ruffling his feathers, so to say.  Think we might've gotten a little water in his ear, cuz he's shaking his head.  That's okay, it'll come out.  

Pets are like humans.  They need to be cleaned and spiffed up once in awhile, 'specially the smaller fluffier dogs.  Cuddy's hair is longish now, and that's when he's the cutest.  When the weather gets warm, then he gets a close cut.  Bichons tend to get warm real fast.  Their hair is thick and tightly curled and kinda course.

It's gonna be a busy week.  Already have plans for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  This afternoon the boyfriend is watching car racing, and I'll be tuned in to my latest craze...dry bar comedy.  That's where there's no dropping the F-bomb or other cursing or obscenities.  It's advertised as comedy for everyone.  Who'd ever thought a person would be able to lean the recliner back to the comfiest position and watch hysterically funny standup comedians on a Sunday afternoon, without having to get dressed and go out.  Life is definitely good.  Bar all else.

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