Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The latest stash of miscellaneous junk jewelry is now sparkling clean and dry on the kitchen counter.  The next move is to take each piece, dismantle it with my tools, and salvage clasps, chains, beads and other pieces that will eventually be made into a new design.  This stash has some gorgeous beads for making bracelets and others that will be perfect for my sun-catchers.  Nothing is more fun than fiddling around with broken jewelry.  Yup, there are those, I'm sure, who'd say I need to see a therapist.  What they don't know is how incredibly happy I am when fiddling.  Can care less about what others think anymore.  That is the grandest part of aging.....not caring anymore.  

Was watching a female comedian as she addressed a twenty-something person in her audience.  She joked how it's nice to be in your 20s, cuz that's the stage of life where you still think you matter.  Who can't laugh at that true statement?  Looking back at the youthful stage, a person can only roll one's eyes and thank the lucky stars that part of life is over.  Every young person feels like they're the center of the universe.  At my age, we feel like we're the apple of the undertaker's eye.  

Just finished a blueberry scone, baked by my dear friend.  Every bite was a luscious treat, followed by a sip of hot coffee.  How can today not be perfect after a start like that!

My Venny friend is coming over to visit me today.  We like to get together once in awhile to simply connect.  She and I share so many of the same perspectives, we've both endured some pretty tough stuff, and now we both feel secure knowing the other is just down the hallway.  It's an amazing friendship I'd never have anticipated before moving to Venny.  It's that business of life having surprises along the way, sprinkled on our path like the flower petals sprinkled by a little flower girl in a bride's pre-marital path.  There's always a rose petal out there waiting to fall down in front of us.

Must admit to having spent a blue-funky last week.  But, I've taken the time to do some serious reading, serious thinking, and serious reflecting on the realities rather than the fabrications.  I've been a master at creating a false perception of others.  Now, I'm feeling a sense of the life-long drama being over once and for all.  No one can hurt me anymore, because the emotions that allow us to feel pain are now finally gone.  That's a relief, one that I must nurture.  

Am reading about the importance of perspective.  How we see things as we rehearse our thoughts....well, that can paint a false picture of how things actually are.  When we stop denying and start accepting, well, then we're home free.  This god-awful biological blame game, hate game, toss the knife game.....has no place in my life and never will again.  This girl has crossed over into another life that's quite choosy about who's allowed inside the gate.  

Ta-ta for today.