Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The latest stash of miscellaneous junk jewelry is now sparkling clean and dry on the kitchen counter.  The next move is to take each piece, dismantle it with my tools, and salvage clasps, chains, beads and other pieces that will eventually be made into a new design.  This stash has some gorgeous beads for making bracelets and others that will be perfect for my sun-catchers.  Nothing is more fun than fiddling around with broken jewelry.  Yup, there are those, I'm sure, who'd say I need to see a therapist.  What they don't know is how incredibly happy I am when fiddling.  Can care less about what others think anymore.  That is the grandest part of aging.....not caring anymore.  

Was watching a female comedian as she addressed a twenty-something person in her audience.  She joked how it's nice to be in your 20s, cuz that's the stage of life where you still think you matter.  Who can't laugh at that true statement?  Looking back at the youthful stage, a person can only roll one's eyes and thank the lucky stars that part of life is over.  Every young person feels like they're the center of the universe.  At my age, we feel like we're the apple of the undertaker's eye.  

Just finished a blueberry scone, baked by my dear friend.  Every bite was a luscious treat, followed by a sip of hot coffee.  How can today not be perfect after a start like that!

My Venny friend is coming over to visit me today.  We like to get together once in awhile to simply connect.  She and I share so many of the same perspectives, we've both endured some pretty tough stuff, and now we both feel secure knowing the other is just down the hallway.  It's an amazing friendship I'd never have anticipated before moving to Venny.  It's that business of life having surprises along the way, sprinkled on our path like the flower petals sprinkled by a little flower girl in a bride's pre-marital path.  There's always a rose petal out there waiting to fall down in front of us.

Must admit to having spent a blue-funky last week.  But, I've taken the time to do some serious reading, serious thinking, and serious reflecting on the realities rather than the fabrications.  I've been a master at creating a false perception of others.  Now, I'm feeling a sense of the life-long drama being over once and for all.  No one can hurt me anymore, because the emotions that allow us to feel pain are now finally gone.  That's a relief, one that I must nurture.  

Am reading about the importance of perspective.  How we see things as we rehearse our thoughts....well, that can paint a false picture of how things actually are.  When we stop denying and start accepting, well, then we're home free.  This god-awful biological blame game, hate game, toss the knife game.....has no place in my life and never will again.  This girl has crossed over into another life that's quite choosy about who's allowed inside the gate.  

Ta-ta for today.

Sunday, February 26, 2023


 A few minutes ago the two of us finished giving Cuddy a bath in our kitchen sink.  In the past, we took him to his groomer's, but this time we did it ourselves.  I'm here to report that he was a very good boy and think he feels like a million bucks now.  We didn't use the blow dryer on him, so he's kinda rolling around and ruffling his feathers, so to say.  Think we might've gotten a little water in his ear, cuz he's shaking his head.  That's okay, it'll come out.  

Pets are like humans.  They need to be cleaned and spiffed up once in awhile, 'specially the smaller fluffier dogs.  Cuddy's hair is longish now, and that's when he's the cutest.  When the weather gets warm, then he gets a close cut.  Bichons tend to get warm real fast.  Their hair is thick and tightly curled and kinda course.

It's gonna be a busy week.  Already have plans for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  This afternoon the boyfriend is watching car racing, and I'll be tuned in to my latest craze...dry bar comedy.  That's where there's no dropping the F-bomb or other cursing or obscenities.  It's advertised as comedy for everyone.  Who'd ever thought a person would be able to lean the recliner back to the comfiest position and watch hysterically funny standup comedians on a Sunday afternoon, without having to get dressed and go out.  Life is definitely good.  Bar all else.

Friday, February 24, 2023


The boyfriend surprised me yesterday with this spoon ring he made for me in the workshop.  He found the little baby spoon in his ring stash and thought I could use a little luvin' right now.  After all these years, gotta say his gesture really hit a home run sliding into my heart's home plate.  I edited the photo by condensing it to a smaller portion of my hand, cuz I'm now the proud wearer of wrinkly old lady skin.  

My Tao thoughts the last couple of days lend thought to two questions:  What have I done for the world? and What am I leaving behind me?  These questions are stepping stones toward self-reflection, looking back and praising oneself for accomplishments, achievements and the million purported acts of goodness.  Many times our intentions and actions either go unnoticed or unappreciated.  That's okay.  All that matters is how we ourselves feel.  There are some who could get a billion dollars, but they'd still complain about the envelope it came in.  

Guess tonight's chef choice is baked fish with butter.   We have leftover Asian coleslaw and will put together a potato side dish of some sort.  Lent seems to be the time to eat fish, even though this carryover has little weight in my spiritual life.  I never could understand why eating fish on Friday was supposed to be a penance.  Growing up, nothing was more delicious than a meal of fried fish.  More confusion, more unanswered questions.

It's a sunny day, a bit cold, I'm told.  Was informed that our Venny newsletter editor will be going on a trip to New Mexico and Texas and will need articles submitted by March 12th.  As of now, can't think of a topic, so gotta get my thinking cap on.  

Nothing else newsworthy on my end.  Once again, it's Friday.  The weeks have skis, always on a downhill flight.  The morning sun has the sun catchers, in all their colors, glittering.  The fuzzy one is affectionately licking my left foot, the boyfriend is refilling our cups, and life keeps marching on.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.    

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 The weather forecasting industry is an obvious crap shoot.  We were geared up for a snow-in, bought groceries and the whole bit, only to see the ground lightly covered in white.  Perhaps later in the day it may change.  Some places are expecting ice, which makes the roadways treacherous.  Either way, for us the weather is what it is, cuz we don't have to be out.  It's windy, as I watch the light snow crawl across the parking lot.

These pretty posies are from our next door neighbor.  Along with them were attached a most meaningful note.  Fresh flowers give our home the feeling of the springtime that's around the bend, as they say.

The one sentence from my Tao daily is....."We must understand how the past affects us, we should keep the present full of rich and satisfying experiences, and we should devote some energy each day to building for the future."  Tao stresses appropriately balancing and joining the past, present and the future.  That's quite a powerful thought, and sometimes it's really hard to disengage from the past with all its wobbles and woes. 

One's tendency is to spend too much time re-living the past and fearing the future, forgetting to live the present to its utmost.  It takes discipline to balance our minds and act as a sheep dog to get our thoughts back on the path.  

Tonight is my night to fix supper, so the menu will be tater tot casserole and Asian coleslaw with fresh grapes.  Forgot to take the hamburger out of the freezer last night, so hope it will thaw out before it's time to put the casserole together.  

Last evening we watched twelve deer out front Venny, at first walking and then running with their white tails in the air.     

"Swift as a deer.
Quiet as a shadow.
Calm as still water."
~George R. R. Martin 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Bear with me, as I go to my Tao daily readings for blog inspiration.  As they inspire me, perhaps they will offer a similar inspiring thought for my followers.  Each of us processes and interprets words in different ways, and that's what is so powerful and beautiful about the human mind.  It's what makes each of us unique.


Heron stands in the blue estuary,

Solitary, white, not moving for hours.

A fish!  Quick avian darting;

The prey captured.

People always ask how to follow Tao.  It is as easy and natural as the heron standing in the water.  The bird moves when it must; it does not move when stillness is appropriate.

The secret of its serenity is not in mere dumbness or sleep.  It knows an instinctual stillness.  It stands motionless in the flow of the water.  It gazes unperturbed and aware.  When Tao brings it something that it needs, it seizes the opportunity without hesitation or deliberation.  Then it goes back to its quiet without disturbing itself or its surroundings.  Unless it found the right position in the water's flow and remained patient, it would not have succeeded.

Actions in life can be reduced to two factors:  positioning and timing.  If we are not in the right place at the right time, we cannot possibly take advantage of what life has to offer us.  Almost anything is appropriate if an action is in accord with the time and the place.  But we must be vigilant and prepared.  Even if the time and the place are right, we can still miss our chance if we do not notice the moment, if we act inadequately, or if we hamper ourselves with doubts and second thoughts.  When life presents an opportunity, we must be ready to seize it without hesitation or inhibition.  Position is useless without awareness.  If we have both, we make no mistakes.


As I sit here mid-day watching three deer in the stubble field across the drive, they offer a sense of the same calmness as the words about the heron.  We benefit greatly by backing away from everyday routine and taking time to seek the good and the beautiful that does exist alongside our violent society.  It's up to us to find for ourselves those moments of peace that can comfort and console.  The world is ever-changing from one second to the next.  Five minutes ago the three deer were in one spot, and not five minutes later they have slowly meandered their way to another place.  Each second changes our life, and each of us is responsible for searching for and finding that which will gratify our individual self.  

The boyfriend has gone shopping for our groceries, while the putz and I stay back.  Got a sweet phone call from one of my Venny girlfriends a few minutes ago.  Our Venny Newsletter came out today, and she called to compliment my article.  I told her she made my day.  Complimenting others is a random act of kindness that's very easy for all of us to do for one another.  I believe that kindness has the power to change our world.

Monday, February 20, 2023


Today a flood of childhood memories are crying inside my heart.  As of last night, my earthly role of sister has ended.   Those who know me personally, are aware that life's twists and turns caused me family heartache for years.  My biggest life regret still is not having moved far away from home after graduating.  Perhaps a sea of sorrows could have been averted had I done that.  Isn't it interesting how hindsight doesn't need glasses to see things clearly?

As I'm told, there will be no memorial service.  Times are changing the customs in this regard, and I totally respect each person's last wish.  Some prefer splashy farewells with litany-length eulogies, choirs of angels and full-course meals.  Others less demonstrative may distribute cards with a photo plus a few vital paragraphs summarizing birthplace, family members, occupation and date of departure.  I think it actually might be a fill-in-the-blank kinda thing.  Then there's those who prefer to make their exit unannounced, the memory of them erased like writing on a chalkboard.  

Last night when it came time for me to say my night prayers, it was the first time since Momma taught me to say night prayers that I didn't pray for my brother.  It felt awful, like I was doing something really wrong.  Then I told myself it's time to adapt to the fact that I'm the last one of our family of four left standing.  

Sunday, February 19, 2023


Just gave the boyfriend a haircut.  It's kinda fun having him behave when I'm holding an electric razor near his head.  That's about the only time he behaves!

The blue sun catcher is the one I made yesterday.
Sun catchers are on the inside, Cuddy is outside.

Cuddy spent a short while on the deck this morning, it's a warm late-winter, pre-spring day here.  Sun is shining, walkers and joggers are out, some giving their dogs a chance to walk off bottled-up energy.  We remember when little Cuddy walked around Venny from his house, but his age now prevents him from doing that anymore.  We console him and his maladies, cuz we firsthand know what it's like to gradually lose our physical strengths and abilities.  His sight and hearing are not as they were, but then neither are ours.  We, along with the other creatures born to life, share an ocean of experiences and feelings.  No matter who we are or where we are, tons of others are feeling the exact same way.  I think sometimes we forget that and feel isolated, closed up in our own world.  Imagine there are 8 billion of us humans living on planet Earth at this very second.  Imagine also the trillions of human emotions, feelings, situations, suffering, joy and fun going on.  It's a wonder the Earth can withstand the vibrations.   

Have a couple of quotations from the book Resilience to punctuate and perpetuate.....

Our suffering comes from our minds, from the way we turn things over and over, the way we worry, the way we fear things that haven't happened yet.  Try to look at things as they actually are in this moment, stripped of fear and worry, and you're likely to find that you can better bear your pain.

Don't keep an injury alive and open long after it should have become a hard-won scar.

I'll close with an intriguing question.......Where does our wonder and curiosity come from? 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

There are times when I can feel an embryo idea inside my brain, urging me to nurture it so it comes to life as a creative design.  That's what happened yesterday.  So, I got out my bead stash and melded emotions with beads and came up with a sun-catcher that holds secret messages as reminders for me.  

Also took apart the order of junk wooden jewelry ordered on eBay, washed the beads and they're on the kitchen counter drying.  Have an idea to make a wooden wind-chime for the deck.  With March being a stone's throw away, springtime makes me smile as I think of lounging in my Adirondack chair absorbing the sun's gift of vitamin D.  

The boyfriend got our freezer working once again.  All the packages are nicely arranged.  We had a service call in, but canceled.  Can't imagine what a service call costs these days.  Freezers aren't furnished by Venny.  We bought it for our laundry room next to our master bath.  The refrigerator has a bottom freezer, and I luv luv that, rather than the freezer on top.  This is the first refrigerator with an ice maker, which is a really nice perk.  

Ice cube trays, aluminum and Tupperware, were a real pain.  Remember the old aluminum ones with the hand lever to break the cubes apart?  At the time, we were happy to have them.  Time and new inventions afford more and more luxuries to our daily living.  I'm kinda glad we're getting the luxuries now when we need 'em the most.  

A beef roast is in the crock pot, with potatoes and gravy.  Last night I didn't feel well and actually had to vomit.  Thought for sure I was getting Covid, but today am feeling better.  Think the culprit was the cardboard pizza I had for supper last night.  For a long while Jack's pizzas were one of my favorite cardboard cuisines, but lately they're quite bad.  I told the boyfriend not to bother buying them anymore.  More than likely there's a good reason they're so cheap.

Lots more bad stuff happening in the country.  Nine children, ages 5-17, were shot in a Shell Gas Station in Georgia last night.  Watched a briefing, and none of the victims have life-threatening wounds.  There was another shooting in Mississippi, as well.  The Ohio train derailment is causing concerns, as people there are breaking out in rashes.  There's also concern for the animals being affected by the toxicity.  

Today's Tao message is that even in the midst of an extreme situation, the wise are patient.  Whether the situation is illness, tragedy, or personal anger, healing will follow upheaval.  Natural events balance themselves out by seeing their opposites, and this process of balance is at the heart of all healing.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

In today's Tao devotional, these words struck a chord with me......"We see activities only as obligations, and we strain against our fate."  

Who among us doesn't feel the load of obligations and stress over human mortality, fret about our personal lifespan, and try to understand what life is really all about.  Its purpose, our purpose, and the birth and death cycle of every living thing,  Our fate is sealed, yet we do strain against it.  The older we get, the more we cling to life and are tortured with the certainty of losing it.  The idea of being one breath away from nothingness, or some unknown, is daunting.  Think maybe it would be a lot easier being a tree or an earth worm, so we wouldn't have to worry and strain against our fate.

As to daily life, thank heavens the boyfriend checked our upright freezer, cuz it's not working.  He put all of the frozen packages in a shopping cart and placed the cart out on our deck.  Good thing it's cold outside tonight.

Goulash is on tonight's menu.  The basic hamburger, elbow macaroni and tomato soup.  The only excitement was Cuddy's visit to one of the bathrooms to rip up the tissues in the waste basket.  This is a nightly venture for the little guy, and we let him think he's really getting away with something behind our backs.  Ah, the joys of the fur babies who teach us humans how to stay playful.  Nothing pleases me more than seeing Cuddy be a little prankster.  It continues to amaze me how a little creature can live with us humans, adapt to our ways, yet still maintain their individuality.  Therein lies another one of life's wonders.  The longer they live with us, the more we are able to read their minds, know what they want or need.  I'm not one who believes we have dominion over the animals.  I believe we share the earth with them. 

It's the coziest time of day, darkness has set in, and the flickering flame of our fake candle has shadows dancing on the wall above it.  All is quiet for the moment.  I'm going to make a concerted effort to not strain my brain against the inevitable.  The Tao definitely gives one cause for pause and inner reflection.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Drat.  Got a phone call last night advising we were exposed to Covid.  We spent the greater part of a day with the person who has it, plus shared a meal.   Out of respect, we've called off all our social interactions this week.  We're hoping we'll be spared, but will wait to see.  

Today is Valentine's Day, the day of love, hearts, candy and flowers.  One out of 365 is better than nothing.  Our household doesn't get too excited about the calendar's call for mush and attention.  We rather infuse it in our every day life.  The way I see it, the pretty flowers die in a few days, and the chocolates make me fat.  Instead, we took a couple of steaks out of the freezer, and we'll enjoy a special meal together.....just like we do every night of the year.

Gloomy out.  Light rain.  Forecast calls for some inclement weather.  The only time a person sees the word "inclement" is related to the weather.  Can't help but be curious as to the definition of that rarely used word.  I find that it generally refers to unpleasant weather, although it can be used to describe less than ideal behaviors in a person.  Hmmmm.

Another shooting at Michigan University last night.  Three dead with five critically wounded.  Shooter took his own life, and we do appreciate that.  One less violent crazy walking the earth.  Wonder how many there actually are roaming the same ground as the rest of us possible victims.  Can't help but wonder who's lurking anytime I go out among people.  

It's about time for me to hit the fridge and put together one of my deluxe salads with iceberg lettuce, green onions, blueberries, fresh mushrooms, grated cheddar, Ken's Vidalia Onion dressing, topped with french fried onions.  

I'll post the same on my blog as on my FB page saluting Valentine's Day.  I choose a bit unconventional approach to this day.  I choose to express my gratitude.

Monday, February 13, 2023


2023 Super Bowl mania is in the past.  According to Forbes, $9,000 was the average ticket price for the Chiefs-Eagles game.  Typically, tickets didn't go for more than $30,000 anywhere, although there was one outlier that listed a ticket for a suite at VividSeats at $418,182.  That's a lot of cabbage in any garden!

Another concerning object was shot down by the military over Lake Huron.  That's four objects in the past two weeks.  The news briefings that follow are hollow and tell us nothing except they don't know the what, why or where details.  It should be within the realm of normal expectation that the president would address the nation and give us some answers.  The powers know more than they're telling us.

I've begun my Tao daily readings.  Each day offers me a page of meaningful words that point my mind to stillness and silence.  "Muddy water will become clear if allowed to stand undisturbed, and so too will the mind become clear if it is allowed to be still."  

The Resilience book I'm reading enlightened me to this interesting thought.  Using a jig-saw puzzle as an example.  When we are born we are each given a box of puzzle pieces.  What we aren't given is a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like.  That's the challenge.  It might take a year for two pieces to fit together, maybe more.  Over the course of a lifetime the pieces start making sense, but not until the last puzzle piece is in place do we see the whole picture of life, how it all makes sense at the end.  All the questions we had along the way are answered, things fall into place.  The picture isn't necessarily pretty, but the main thing is our endurance, our acceptance and our struggle to complete the puzzle.  

I thought that was a wonderful analogy, one that we all can relate to.  Even before I buy a jig-saw puzzle, I look to find a puzzle picture that I like.  Well, life doesn't give us a picture when we start out, we simply have to trudge along, one piece fitting into another, years pass until we finally see the result.  

Today is sunny, my sun catchers have rainbows and polka dots dancing on the walls.  The other day I started making one and then stopped.  Maybe today I'll get back at it.  Over the weekend, a box arrived in the mail.  I bid on an eBay stash of broken wooden jewelry.  Holy cats, didn't realize what a bonanza buy it was.  Four zip-lock baggies of perfect bracelet-making wooden beads.  Now my brain is thinking of wood instead of glass and plastic beads.  Just enough of a difference for my creative juices to get riled.  Every bead will have to be cleaned, of course.

My monthly newsletter is due, and am happy to say that it's written and ready to zip off to the editor.  That's about all that's on today's must-do list.  My to-do list takes the back seat to my must-do list.  Think it's that way for most procrastinators.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Seeing pictures of those who have reached the Age of Wisdom gives me the urge to genuflect, bow or cursty.  When we're young, it's natural to feel that we ourselves cannot possibly ever get old.  It's really a rich blessing to live a long life, to experience all its stages, endure all its sorrows, and laugh at its countless moments of silliness.  Kudos to all of us who are weary and worn, walking our way with wisdom and wonderment.    

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


We're up earlier than usual, cuz Cuddy has a 9 a.m. appointment at the puppy spa.  His groomer will give him a bath and a mani-pedi.  His owners prepaid the groomer, so we're able to decide when to take him in for a spiff-up.  The temperature today is forecast to reach the 40s, so it'll be a perfect day for an outing. 

Just like with our Emma, Daddy Dale will accompany Cuddy to the appointment and stay with him, while I stay in the car and read/study/take notes from the book on Resilience.  It's a masterful read so far as life knowledge goes.

My daily devotional Tao book arrived in the mail on Monday.  A recent discovery of information is making it necessary for me to pull out all stops to stay on my personal mental path.  This Taoism book was ordered before the revelation, so this is another proof of the Divine Plan that's playing the background music to each of our lives.  

The sentence I highlighted from yesterday's reading is, "We alone must make something of ourselves, transforming ourselves into the instruments for experiencing the deepest spiritual essence of life."  

What is spiritual essence?  "Your spiritual essence is the peace that resides in your mental space.  Finding your spiritual essence means taking the authority over your life.  No one has the right to control or manipulate you.  It means making a conscious decision to walk in the light, away from the darkness of confusion, low self-esteem, indecision, heartbreak and disappointment." 

Each of us carries a load of heartbreak and disappointment.  How we deal with it is the business of taking authority over our thoughts.  This can feel impossible, and many times it is.  That's why it's a baby step at a time.  My mind right now feels like it's been battered unmercifully with a baseball bat.  With the help of the Tao mindset, I will live each moment searching for my spiritual essence.

On a sadder note, isn't Turkey's earthquake situation pitiful?  I usually watch Agenda-Free News on YT, and last night he was showing short videos taken from people at the scene.  As of this morning, I think Dale said 14,000 are known dead and thousands injured, with thousands buried beneath the rubble.  How does one pray for so many?  A baby was rescued with an umbilical cord still attached to its dead mother.  Another video showed the baby in the hospital nursery with diapers on, and the baby has visible bruises.  Imagine the life story the baby will have to tell, if she lives.

One way to search for one's spiritual essence is by thinking about others.  When we feel like we're treading through a swamp, it helps to refocus on the unmerciful suffering that others are enduring.  I recently learned that my cousin visited Turkey last year.  Imagine if she would have delayed her trip until this year.  

When I learned of the 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, I immediately wrote a note to my beloved surgeon who hails from Lebanon inquiring if his family was okay.  Received a note back saying that Lebanon was hit, but his family was okay.  This surgeon is now a Professor at Harvard in Boston, yet he takes time to quickly answer my messages.  His FB shows him having over 4,000 friends, but he is kind enough to take time for me.  There has got to be a bit of spiritual essence involved.  

The rising sun casts amazing blends of blue and pink in the eastern sky.  A covering of snow adds to the "pretty" of it.  Meteorologists tell us we might get a few inches of snow tonight.  I can only cross my fingers.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


Quite the day.  Who'd ever have guessed the U.S. would shoot down a China balloon that's been lollygagging across our land.  Who'd ever guess another China balloon is floating above Latin America.  

Kinda like we're getting accustomed to hearing about mass shootings, school shootings and violence in all its forms and colors.  Our society is getting complacent, accepting that which is wrong and harmful.  The criminals are the ones who are most protected.  Best stop.

The main purpose of today's post is to send my thoughts to one of my beloved readers.  She knows who she is and why these thoughts are being sent her way.  As a mini pick-me-up, let's presume I'm out in a beautiful meadow picking these especially for you......

May God Bless

Friday, February 3, 2023

MUKBANG (mook-bang)

The book about Resilience arrived yesterday, and it's gonna be a doozy.  It's the type of book where I am continually writing down sentences that I want to save for future referral.  Quotations are my way of getting back on track when life shoves me off my path.  Generations before us left us a legacy of the wisdom they acquired through the hard knocks they had to endure.  They wrote them down for us, the books are on shelves just waiting for us to help ourselves to their tasty morsels.  

Tis a chilly willy day where I live.  Warmer days are supposedly close by.  Sounds like the groundhog predicts six more weeks of winter.  Yippee skippee!  

The other day I mentioned watching YT mukbang videos.  

A mukbang is a video dedicated to eating in front of a camera.  The video style originated in 2010 in South Korea, becoming a trend of someone filming themselves preparing and/or eating a meal, and it's become widely popular across all audiences. 

The word mukbang comes from the combination of the Korean word muk-ja, which means 'to eat,' and bang-song, 'to broadcast.'  (Pronounced mook-bang)

My favorite mukbang YT channel is:  https://www.youtube.com/@KkokkoPDFamily  I've watched a lot of their videos and feel like I know them personally.  They have a little boy who is on some of their videos, and he's cute and fun.  One video is a Q & A where they tell about themselves.  It's a hoot watching how much food they put into their mouths.  Different cultures show us that there is no one way to do anything in life.  It's just that we need to be more open and accepting.  Maybe that's why I enjoy these videos, cuz they show a different lifestyle and afford me entertainment at the same time.  The gypsy in me loves things outside the box.  

The boyfriend is busy in the kitchen grinding pork.  He buys pork shoulder butts on sale, brings home, cuts up, grinds, packages so we have ground pork in the freezer.  He loves doing this, cuz his meat-cutter skills itch to perform.  He has his own electric grinder that nicely sits on top of our counter.  

Tonight we're having my famous potato soup that the boyfriend asked me to make.  We have leftover ham in the fridge and a few potatoes that need to be used.  What's better than a batch of homemade soup on a cold February night.

Thursday, February 2, 2023


This past Sunday I took a virtual walking tour of Pompeii, Italy.  (To think I was within 150 miles of it when I visited Italy.)  Thanks to Prowalk Tours for sharing a 5+hour tour of the city frozen in time. 

Imagine the summer morning in 79 A.D., when Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the vibrant Roman city beneath tons of volcanic ash and debris.  Pliny the Younger (a lawyer, author and magistrate of Ancient Rome) witnessed the cataclysm from across the Bay of Naples.  He wrote, "Darkness fell, not the dark of a moonless or cloudy night, but as if the lamp had been put out in a dark room."  

Pompeii was a bustling city of 10,000 residents. many who vanished under a blanket of ash.  The thick ash turned everything black, people couldn't see the sun.  Piles of ash fell as deep as nine feet, blocking doorways and caving in roofs.  The layers of ash helped preserve buildings, artwork, and even the forms of bodies as they decomposed and left holes in the ash. 

Based on what they uncovered, scientists believe that Pompeii was a prosperous town popular with wealthy vacationing Romans.  Streets had sidewalks and stepping-stones to keep pedestrians out of the mud.  There were public baths, an amphitheater, and two theaters where the people enjoyed plays. 

For those who love to travel, these walking tours are informative, probably more so than an actual visit would be.  Virtual traveling is safe, costs nada, is easy on the feet and can be watched in increments, if not all in one sitting.  One of my Venny friends was to Pompeii, and she showed me a piece of ash she picked up when she was there.  Yup, I held an actual part of that volcanic ash in my hand, and it made such an impression on me, I just had to see it for myself. 

Note:  At the time of the volcano eruption, the people of Pompeii had no idea that Mount Vesuvius was a volcano.

Here's the link to the Prowalk Pompeii Tour if anyone is interested in taking a stay-cation:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUYJ8LbF1Ys