Today is a lazy hazy crazy day of summer! Boyfriend trolleyed to the grocery store for sale items, which included a watermelon and whole chickens. Bought sweet corn from a vendor on his way home.
Fried chicken, sweet corn on the cob and watermelon for supper. A fresh cucumber salad chills in the fridge.
Can't help but be drawn into the Uvalde camera footage. Watched the entire CBS airing of the School Board meeting held tonight, where parents of the deceased children questioned and demanded. Can't imagine the parental rage, when I at home get riled. Am a law enforcement proponent, but the approx. 400 officers who responded to the May 24th massacre showed themselves to be Barney Phyfes.
Sounds like hot weather is ahead. Temperatures predicted in the 90s and 100s. Good days to stay indoors. Again, we count our blessings being able to do just that.