Sunday, July 24, 2022


Severe storms last night with damaging winds took trees down, ripped roof-tops from homes, and our friends' barn housing a valued tractor collection was torn down.  The rain gauge by the Venny garden showed 4-1/2 inches of rain.  Some of the corn fields were damaged, oat fields flattened.  Thank you, Great Spirit, for sparing us.

Have had my nose in the book most of day.  Actually fell asleep once with pencil in hand.  The wee one aroused us from sweet slumber at 6 o'clock this morning.  Electricity had been out overnight, so at first didn't know the time.  Appliances simply blink until reset.  

A darling little hummingbird is dipping his needle-like beak into the feeder hanging on our deck.  Try to imagine how a creature so tiny can have a heart and all functioning body organs, plus have the wherewithal to fly back and forth thousands of miles.  Surely humbles humans.  Think of what we require in mapping and GPS to get us from one place to another.  Sorry, but I can't help but challenge the theory that man is the dominant species.  

The boyfriend made a batch of refrigerator pickles with our garden cucumbers.  They're positively delightful.  Gave some of our bounty to Venny friends this evening.  Garden goodies make wonderful ways of telling others that we care.  When they call Venny a Family of Friends, they're spot on.  

More pictures from Cuddy's parents in the Dakotas make me yearn to be there.  What is it about that landscape that transcends the norm?  We have memories starting on our honeymoon of that area, and with each additional visit, our heart has grown more attached to the rock formations and cathedral-like spires.  Couldn't help but go back to our photos taken in Custer State Park, and the little girl in me about wet her pants when we came upon the famous begging burros......

 This visit was right after our precious little Emma's life ended.  Emotions were bloody raw, only Nature's balm could soothe.  My phone was in hand able to capture this next one....

 Probably the prince of pictures is this one.......

The word "regal" comes to mind when I look at this captured moment.  Often makes me fathom how we could've been at the right place at the right time to have seen this creature in the wild kingdom.  It's for reasons such as this that my heart believes and trusts in a Power that governs our Universe and monitors the pulse of its billions upon billions of inhabitants.

Tis difficult to render an opinion as to #1 photo op, but this next one of Momma Buffalo and baby rates right up there, too.........

Theodore Roosevelt National Park