To all my "lovies" who sent birthday wishes to little old me......thank you from my heart. Each and every one added to the joy of my life.
My laptop is giving me fits. The plug is worn and not functioning with power. Spent one entire day typing my Montaigne notes to take advantage of a 3-day 40% discount offered by the company who prints my blogs into books. The offer expired at midnight of the third day, and at 10 o'clock EST I pressed the key that shipped my notes to New York for printing. This is how I retain the notes of my studies. Anyway, that took priority even before my posting here.
Cuddy went back home the day of my birthday. His daddy came in the door carrying a dozen long-stemmed pink roses. He said to me that Cuddy had called him the night before and asked him to buy me flowers just from Cuddy. Awwwww........
Roses from Cuddy
Have been watching YT videos of the Parkland, Florida, shooting trial and of the interrogation of the shooter right after it happened. Stayed up until 3 a.m. watching night before last. Seeing is believing, that's all I gotta say. Am appreciative for the opportunity to witness the interrogation, the actions of the shooter following such a horrific massacre. Now, he's waiting for the sentencing trial which gives the shooter two future in prison without parole or death.
We all have our personal opinions on these major decisions, but, my humble thought is that if I was on the jury, my vote would probably be life in prison. For what he did, death would give him the perfect peace he seeks. Life would make him suffer every second the nightmares and the reliving of what he did to innocent children. Before the shooting, he attempted suicide at least two times. He deserves to live the rest of his life in living hell.
Don't know if it's okay for me to share my thoughts on stuff like that, but we all have our own slant on things. Don't know as though I could live with myself if I voted for the death of anyone. Life is much harder than death.
Boyfriend just requested a hair cut this morning. Am worn out with little get-up-and-go. As Montaigne would say, "We must hold on with all our strength to the enjoyment of the pleasures of life, which our years tear from our grasp one after another."
Am blessed beyond words to be able to enjoy, and ponder upon, the little watching tiny hummingbirds sip nectar from our feeders, sitting in my new Adirondack chair with a book in my hand. Today is a gorgeous summer day, it's a joy to look out the patio doors onto a tasseled cornfield, a freshly mowed lawn, and flowers blossoming in the beds out front of our unit. Contentment is a gift that I do not take lightly.
Am back to reading Krueger's second book, Boundary Waters. Great read, like his first of the Cork O'Connor series.
Hard to believe we're about to flip the calendars again to August. School will restart. Thank heave there's no wee ones in our charge to send to school. Knowing me, there'd be heavy thought on virtual learning for kids of ours. Despite what we think about learning to live with other kids, the risk of them getting shot outweighs all else. I know kids who have been home schooled and are beyond other kids in their lives. It's a personal choice, and I don't envy parents having to choose where to send their kids. My heart truly goes out to the children of our world.
Our garden is producing cucumbers, zucchini and green peppers. Our next door neighbor gave us two large zip-lock bags of green beans. Can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen. We enjoy green beans mixed with cubed potatoes and ground pork or beef mixed with cream of mushroom soup baked in the oven. We don't preserve our garden goodies, but enjoy them fresh and also share with those who don't have gardens.
Be safe this weekend.