Saturday, July 23, 2022


My beloved Adirondack rocker/chair arrived unassembled yesterday.  Thank high heaven that the boyfriend is a master of assemblage and reparation.  He took it upon himself to have it put together and in our unit same day.  It's awesome!

However, what I didn't read on its description was that the foot rest is not recommended with the rocker element.  So, overnight I pondered what rates higher....foot rest or rocking?  This morning my answer is clear.....can't live without the foot rest.  The 'rockers' are easy to remove, according to he who did the assembling.  Am one who's most comfy with my feet elevated.  Better for the circulation, as well.

Weather is sorta uncertain today.  Storms are forecast, along with the high temps.  Got a text message from Cuddy's parents who are out in the Dakotas, and yesterday's temp reached 108 degrees.  We made sure to keep Cuddy inside most of the day, although the two of us sat on the deck for a short while toward evening.  Even then, was too stuffy.  

Doesn't look like my Christmas Cactus segments are going to take root in the potting soil.  Should've put them in water to grow roots before doing that.  

Corn in the field adjoining Venny is showing tassels.  We've had our first and only meal of sweet corn thus far.  The event rates right up there with spotting the first robin in the springtime.  Tender, sweet, juicy, enhanced with butter and salt.  One of life's finest treats.  

Gonna stay quiet and cool today.  We have a weather alert radio that blares like a siren when there's storm in the area.  No doubt it will scream its song toward evening, the time of day bad storms arrive.  

We're up and at 'em since 6:30, when the mutt needed to be taken outside.  Now he's tucked in his little bed, sound asleep.  Think he's having a fun vacation with us.  Am already dreading giving him back.  Like a lot of things in's bitter-sweet.