Am back to the keys, after a few days reprieve from posting. Fourth of July is in the rear-view mirror. Sadly, loss of innocent lives and injuries were thrust upon innocent parade-watchers in Highland Park, Illinois.
It's worthy of mention how we, as a nation, are growing accustomed to seeing breaking news alerting us to these horrific mass shootings. Personally, I'm one who keeps watching updates and news briefings to keep current on situations as they unfold and the whole story shared with the world.
This has to affect all of us psychologically. It all feeds into the fear porn that rains down on us every day through social media. One can wonder why one doesn't just extricate oneself, but there's the element of curiosity.
It's difficult writing about pleasantries while other lives are torn to shreds or are completely obliterated. It's getting to be a struggle keeping focused on the good and the positive. Keep wondering how our country has taken such a massive nosedive in one short lifetime.
Our little Cuddy is still with us. His parents were held over in Norway because of the airline strike. Last we heard, they'll be flying in tonight around midnight....barring no more flight cancellations.
Saturday we spent with family, which was a lot of good fun. That was the holiday celebration for us. We made a point to grill hot dogs for supper on the Fourth.
Last evening we were under a severe thunderstorm warning. Got 2-1/2 inches of rain, which the gardens and lawns and crops truly appreciated. Today is overcast, with possibility of more rain. The arthritis in my lower back is living proof that the barometric pressure plays havoc on the body. Even Cuddy is limping, favoring his hind leg. Canine family members suffer from the same malady as we humans when it comes to arthritis.
Following the Supreme Court's overturn of Roe vs. Wade, I ordered a book on eBay about the issue. Am reading that now. Back in the 1960s, my life centered on marriage and career, and paid no nevermind to political issues. That's why am now familiarizing myself with abortion and its history going back to biblical times. It's not that I intend to get involved in discussions pro or con, it's simply for my personal awareness. The book is not an easy read, so am reading it in spits and spurts and doing a lot of underlining. That's how I can go back and read the critical parts. That's also why I like having my own books rather than from a library. All my books have my handwriting, highlighting, underlining, and personal notations on their pages.
Lost my bid for the Montaigne volumes due to my own carelessness. Simply forgot to watch the bidding, which ended when last checked. Drat. So, went back on and ordered a complete 2 volume set with handbook. Paid more for this, but still reasonably priced compared to others on eBay. That's gonna be my next study...a fine way to immerse my mind into the thoughts left behind by a classic philosopher. Try to read and stretch my perspective in as positive a direction as possible. Last thing I want is to trudge on through the stagnant and murky waters. Need fresh, clear water going forward.
Don't know if any of that makes sense to anyone but myself. So little in life makes sense to me as I walk the last inches of my life ruler. For those of us who have functioned our entire lives with common sense as a guide, we must admit that our world grows more foreign and fearful for us by the day. I take comfort in the words, "Don't be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything." ~Carlos Ruiz Zafon