Got me wondering if the seed would grow if I put it in ground. Went on YT and found where a guy puts the seed end in the ground with the top part out of the ground. Watered it and put a plastic glass on top, forming a little green house over the seed. As an experiment, am going to try it.
Learned the technical term for these seed helicopters is samaras. Like all parts of Nature, the helicopters have a special grace to their design. Kinda reminds me of the swirls on seashells. When one thinks about it, Our Creator left His fingerprint on all things he created, each unique. Since a little girl, I've looked closely at things like leaves, pine cones, seashells, rocks, wild flowers, and all else, admiring the shape, coloration, intricate design that's replicated in all of its kind.
It's easy for me to be a doubting Thomas about lots of things, but Nature is the one and only reassuring element in life that never stops astounding me. Mother Nature nurtures us just by being Herself.
Neither of my thumbs are green, nor has gardening been compelling.....until now. The boyfriend brought me potting soil from the workshop, and today will plant a few more Christmas Cactus segments to start new plants from the 100-year-old plant. Have successfully started two now. Don't want to even think of something happening to my big one that I salvaged.
Have a babysitter lined up for tomorrow when we trolley out for the day to be with family. The boyfriend wants a haircut sometime today, have a poppyseed cake to bake, and that's about today's agenda. Finished reading Iron Lake, and have to say the Cork O'Connor series has me hooked like a fish. Couldn't put the frickin' book down and spent yesterday reading until my eyes couldn't see anymore. Literally had to put eye drops in and rest 'em. The print was relatively light, and that added more eye strain. Found the second in the series, Boundary Waters, and have ordered that on eBay. Am sharing the books with my reading buddy out here, and that increases the value of a book, in my estimation. If two people read a book and enjoy it, well, that's a win-win. Love sharing with those who are appreciative.
Appreciation goes a long way in life. Without it, one lets go of the caring string, realizing one's efforts don't mean anything to the other. Learning the art of appreciation is more important than any accredited course. Growing up not having a lot made me appreciate what was mine. When someone gave me something, I wouldn't have dreamt of returning it for something else. Migod, that would've been an awful way to treat a gift chosen by someone else. Common courtesies are necessary, 'specially in this time of division and polar opposites.
Received more photos from Norway. The trip is going by quickly, and am starting to dread giving Cuddy back. Both of my boys are snoozing now, cuz they were out on the necessary walk early this morning.
Tomorrow lots of places are holding their Fourth of July celebrations. The Fourth of July isn't just about fireworks, Little League games and watermelon eating contests. It's the day to spend some time appreciating our freedoms. We are incredibly blessed, even though the tendency is to act otherwise.
Stay safe.