Friday, July 8, 2022

Not too happy right now, cuz the fuzzy one will be leaving us at 5 this afternoon.  My saving grace is that he'll be returning for another stay next week.  Shared custody is no fun.  Migod, how do parents do this with their little children?  

Placed our online order for groceries at local Fareway Store.  Pickup time is tomorrow between 1 and 1:30.  Gonna treat ourselves to Chinese lunch before picking groceries up.   

More angst in our world.  Japan's former PM assassinated yesterday.  He leaves a void in a country that revered the man.  No details are being shared, as I monitor the news on national concerns.  Also see where Boris Johnson resigned.  Lots of turmoil and discontent everywhere.  Just saw a news briefing from San Antonio where hospital staff discovered a female patient in her upper 80s deceased, along with her husband, also in his upper 80s.  Preliminary details indicate a murder-suicide situation.  Can one imagine what that elderly couple endured to come to such a decision?  

Rained lightly this morning, now it's kinda overcast.  Sun goes behind clouds and then peeks itself back out.  Think the corn's growing by inches each day.  Having the cornfield in view from our deck is a way for us to monitor its growth.  Wasn't long ago and we were commenting how we could see the rows of corn pop up through the ground.  

Boyfriend's working on the garden gate with another guy, so it's me and the putz.  Nothing eventful going on, as we like it.  Just watching the clock before we have to pack up Cuddy's bed, toys, food and treats and turn him back to his rightful owner.  The fuzzy one follows me around like a shadow, to the point where sometimes I turn around and trip over him.  When he's not here, it's a definite emptiness.  

Don't know if I mentioned that I've planted a few helicopter seeds to see if any of 'em will sprout.  Just a little experiment that's sort of a challenge.  Just think it would be amazing if I'd get a maple tree to grow.  The minute I see a sprout, my screams will be heard across the whole indication that it sure doesn't take much to make me happy!!!!!

Also saw where someone saved pits from fruit and throws them out their car windows when they drive around.  It's a way for nature to take over from there.  Kinda like birds that leave seeds behind.  Trees are one of nature's most valuable resources, so many of them being cut own like blades of grass.  We who see the beauty of creation take this seriously.  Don't think Our Creator meant for us to destroy all He made for our benefit.  

Gotta lift my thoughts higher and not allow life to bring my spirits down.  It's good to be concerned and do what's within one's grasp, but, after that, best to tend one's own immediate concerns.  The world is just too darned big to fret about everything and everyone in it.  

Think am going to have one of my Smart Ones meals.  So handy.  Pop one in the microwave for 3 minutes, stir, then put in microwave for another minutes.  Especially like the chicken oriental and the spaghetti.  Controlled portions are a necessity for my ravenous appetite.  

Can't think of anything else to chat about.  Another weekend is here, not that weekends are any different than the other five days of the week.  Ahhhh, the glory of retirement.  So nice not to dread five of the seven, repeatedly, over and over and over and over.  Now, we're just sailing into the sunset.  

Ta-ta for today. 

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