Have been away from the keys once again. Have had interesting and fun-filled days since last writing.
Got it in my head that for my birthday I wanted an Adirondack Rocking Chair for the deck, 'specially for me. Not the wooden, original Adirondack, but what they call the poly, made out of recycled materials. We drove to where they're sold, I found the one that suited me, only to find its cost $550. Well, my post-Depression upbringing couldn't possibly fall prey to such robbery, so we bid the retailer farewell and went on our way.
Stopped at an Amish farm, where we bought garden fresh green beans, a freshly baked peach cobbler and a head of cabbage. Two adorable little Amish girls were helping their Momma cut up green beans. The smallest of the two was a twin. Seven other kiddies were in the house napping.
Made a big batch of Ramen Noodle Cole Slaw, with fresh onions from our garden. We were happy to share it with our special supper guests last evening. Told the boyfriend that there's nothing like sharing laughs with the girl who laughed with me as a teenager. My heart feels refreshed for having laughed like that and about the memories we share.
Am happy to say that our Cuddy is back as of 9 o'clock this morning. He's ours until the 27th of this month. He's had his spa day, as we call his visit to his groomer. Also has treats that are medicinal for arthritic joints. Wonderful knowing how our pets are cared for, just like we humans. The minute Cuddy came into our unit, he went to the patio doors, sprawled himself comfortably like he belongs here.
My brain is immersed in the Essays of Montaigne. As I read, I write the passages that I want to retain. What I'm learning must be kept available to me. As life presents itself, so must my approach and response. Only the classic thinkers of the past offer the best interpretation and application to life and its challenges.
Weather here is summer wonderful.
Okay...........to continue on with my search for my perfect deck Adirondack rocker. Well, following my boyfriend's suggestion, typed in a Walmart search.........and, guess what I found? Yup, the answer to my prayer. It's an Adirondack rocker, able to be converted to a chair, with pull-out foot rest, a place for a bottle of wine, and place for a glass of wine. Only thing missing was my name boldly imprinted on it.