Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Our today was spent lounging around, mostly engulfed in our laptops, each focusing on our interests.  Kinda makes a person wonder what we did before the internet.

Kids growing up today will hear about the pre-internet time of history and will wonder how that was even possible.  Kinda like we wonder about the world before electricity. 

Many societal changes today, some amazingly wonderful, some frighteningly negative.  Each generation has its views and conceptions of the NOW....for us seniors, an unfamiliar and daunting land is emerging, whereas, for the younger generation, a world is emerging filled with wonder and anticipation.  None of us knows how others feel, but I do know that the world I've known is growing smaller and more in the distance.  Leaving me in a lost zone.  Perhaps this is what happens to each generation as it reaches its conclusion.  

Despite the predictions for extremely hot temperatures, today we enjoyed the openness of a slight breeze.  Not as bad as we anticipated.  Understand that England and other countries are experiencing dreadfully hot temps.  Also wildfires.  

Tonight's supper consisted of leftovers.  Now we settle in for the duration of the evening.  We received a text message from Cuddy's parents with photos of their poolside evening, winding down from a long day's drive.  Cuddy's quite content, having had his supper and treat, cuddled on the couch beside his favorite pillow.  

Sun is beginning to set, dusk setting in.  The peaceful time of day in between daylight and nighttime.  The table lamps are lit and evening contentment settles in.  Sweet repose to all. 


  1. You paint a most peaceful, bucolic scene with your laptop "key" brush. I could imagine relaxing in your home after a warm day.
    We took a short trolley in our hot yellow Mustang convertible this evening and the Mr. took a dip in the lake where he grew up. Me: I stayed in the car and crocheted. Both of us enjoyed quiet time and a cooling ride.
    Dinner wasn't on the menu tonight as we had a late lunch. A shower and a bowl of popcorn finished our day.

  2. Thank you, my dear, for the kind words. Your convertible trolley sounds mighty inviting. How often I've stayed in the car crocheting, while the boyfriend tried to catch a trout. Bet it feels good to be out and about again.

  3. Sort of. It's so hot I'd rather stay home and inside. 92 here today. We finally have some summer weather.

  4. I'm hunkered down, as well, during summer's heat. Not the sun worshiper that I once was. Give me AC and am good right where I am. Stay cool.
