Monday, July 8, 2024


 TODAY, July 8th, is National SCUD Day!  If you're like me, you are wondering what on earth the acronym stands for~~Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama.

Imagine our world reaching a point where a national holiday is needed to take the time for a giggle and unplug ourselves from drama.  My generation understood the word 'drama' as a serious literary genre.  Fast forward to today, and drama is no longer a fictional thing, but refers to our every day life.  

The business of daily drama in our lives refers mostly to our relationships with other people.  During the Covid incarceration, that's one thing we all noticed.  There was far less human interaction, and our heartbeats slowed down.  Families spent time together, some of that togetherness was positive, others not so much.  Human behaviors govern what transpires between us. 

Drama can be mentally draining.  When an annoying situation arises, it can take over our thinking to where we feel emotionally exhausted.  Then we aren't able to sleep, our blood pressure goes up, and we feel like we're gonna fly apart.      

We are living in a time of uncertainty.  Our national human family is divided.  Our global human family continues to lock antlers.    

The best advice I give myself about life's drama not engage.  Not everything requires a reaction.  I think we all know at least one 'drama queen.'  These individuals are compelled to create unnecessary situations by expanding little things into big things.  They're skilled at violating boundaries.    

There's a thing called the 'toxic triangle.'  That's when a person hears something about another person through a third party, a/k/a gossip.  This is the birth place of much of today's divisiveness.  Every one of us feels our way of thinking is the right way of thinking.  Times that by 8 billion, and is it any wonder we aren't able to see eye-to-eye?     I remember years ago being told about countries that fed their citizens untruths, and we called that propaganda.  Well, lah-dee-dah.  Here we have it in our own country, but we choose to call it fake news.  If we look at society straight in the eye, the landscape of our moral foundation is crumbling beneath us.  I'm fairly certain that all of us are aware that global drama may end up in structural damage.  Negative moral values are seeping in and weakening the foundation of our human family.  

SO, today we set aside our individual nuisances and take time to kick back and savor a laugh, a chuckle, a giggle, whatever you care to call it.  If we can do this for one day a year, why can't we do this every day of the year?  It's healthier to laugh at life than it is to cry with life.  We take everything too seriously.  The more our private thoughts churn, the thicker and more complex they get.  I've learned sometimes it's necessary to spit at life, shove it in a drawer and slam the drawer shut.  We do what we have to do to find our way through the maze. It sometimes feels like we're feeling our way down a network of passages in total darkness.  We've all been there, and at those times we must light our SCUD candle.  It's easy to recall a funny experience from our past or a compassionate moment.  Whatever brings relief to the heart and the head.  It's that business of self-kindness.  We gotta remember that there are no medals handed out at the end of this gig and no martyr banners will fly over our final resting places.  Let's pin the medals on ourselves and fly our own free-to-be-me banners high for the world to see.  

P.S.  We should all be so lucky as to have someone in our life who shares a daily giggle!

Till the morrow, ta-ta.