My life is Buffy blessed. She arrived yesterday and will stay with us til late Friday evening. Her parents are in the air now to D.C. The boyfriend took Buffy outside for her morning walk, and she's eaten breakfast. She's cuddled up next to me now chewing on one of her chew bones.
Yesterday we had our accent color trim in our unit painted from a burgundy to a soothing shade of green. We second guessed our decision, until the guy started applying the paint. Thank heavens we took the risk, cuz the color is relaxing and adds a hint of nature along with our oak cupboards. The more in sync with nature, the more we are in our element.
Noticed on Court TV on YT that the Black Swan Trial has started. A Florida ballerina is accused of killing her husband. Opening statements yesterday. Think I'll spend my day in the courtroom to see what the trial is all about.
Like it or not, each of us is living out our life with a bubbling volcano beneath us. There's a steady roar of thunder all around us. Fighting seems to be the national pastime. No one is satisfied, and no one wants to take responsibility. Some days it feels like I was abducted from what I considered normalcy and shipped off to some unknown planet where right is now wrong, up is now down, and inside is now outside. Nothing feels right, and everything feels wrong. Out of balance.
When Buffy visits, she reminds me that the creatures that share our world know more than we do. Buffy isn't worrying about anything. All she wants to do is make others happy. She's filled with kisses and she's more than happy to share them with her human companions. Not one little bone in her body wants anything more than to be loved. She gives love and appreciates being loved. Why on this green earth can we not get off our high horses and understand that life does not have to be so frickin' complex. It is we who complicate, who stir and rile the waters. I just wish there was a pair of glasses that every person on earth was forced to wear.....these glasses would correct our visions so we could all see the same things from the same perspective.
Let the stillness and poise
of the lotus flower
inspire strength in your soul.