Do not mean to expound on my personal blessings, but, yes, I am very blessed with a personal doctor who I trust with my entire heart, mind and soul. This confession is not to make anyone else feel bad, but to praise the gift of a wonderful man who is dedicated to taking care of the patients entrusted to him. In my lifetime, I have three doctors who live within my heart and will live there until my expiration date.
My appointment went very well. Having said that, I walk forward through the next three months until I see him again. It was my choice.....three months or six months. I chose the three-month interval.
Went grocery shopping for a few incidentals following the appointment. I rejected the boyfriend's offer of a Micky D's Deluxe Chicken Samich. Instead, we came back home for happy hour and supper. We stopped at one of the grocery stores and picked up a small watermelon, a bag of sweet pea pods, hummus, and a few other items. Bumped into an old acquaintance from years back, which was nice. At our age, one never knows how many more such 'bump-ins' we'll have. As they say, one life touches another.
The National Weather Service issued this heat warning for today....