Friday, July 12, 2024


Do not mean to expound on my personal blessings, but, yes, I am very blessed with a personal doctor who I trust with my entire heart, mind and soul.  This confession is not to make anyone else feel bad, but to praise the gift of a wonderful man who is dedicated to taking care of the patients entrusted to him.  In my lifetime, I have three doctors who live within my heart and will live there until my expiration date.

My appointment went very well.  Having said that, I walk forward through the next three months until I see him again.  It was my choice.....three months or six months.  I chose the three-month interval.  

Went grocery shopping for a few incidentals following the appointment.  I rejected the boyfriend's offer of a Micky D's Deluxe Chicken Samich.  Instead, we came back home for happy hour and supper.  We stopped at one of the grocery stores and picked up a small watermelon, a bag of sweet pea pods, hummus, and a few other items.  Bumped into an old acquaintance from years back, which was nice.  At our age, one never knows how many more such 'bump-ins' we'll have.  As they say, one life touches another.

The National Weather Service issued this heat warning for today....

Predictions are for America's hottest month on record.  First thing this morning, I watered the plants inside and outside.  Also pulled the shade over the Christmas Cactus that's currently residing in the main bedroom.  Saw the sweetest thing yesterday as we parked our car in the grocery store parking lot.  Inside the car ahead of us was a little white puppy's head.  My first thought was, oh my God, are the windows open?  Well, the owner of this little white fuzzy one was a grand protector and left the car running with the air conditioner on for the precious soul. With what I call the 'stupid epidemic,' I try to magnify every act of compassion I find.  Sometimes our hope in mankind gets derailed, but there are genuinely good people in this world.  

I picked four golden cherry-size tomatoes from the tomato plant growing on our deck.  I'll admit to owning the grubbiest, flimsiest tomato plant on the planet.  I'm taking the opportunity to boast about four tomatoes, cuz I'll be lucky if it produces ten.  The boyfriend thinks it was a sickly thing when I put it in the ground.  I thank him for those kind, but unconvincing, words.

Till the morrow, ta-ta.