Monday, July 29, 2024


If you're like me, you probably have never heard of KYAWTHUITE, the rarest mineral on planet Earth.  It's so rare that only one known crystal (1.61-karat) has been found and is on display at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles County.  The deep orange gemstone was discovered in 2010 in Myanmar, located in Southeast Asia bordering  China on the north-east, Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west and India on the northwest.  Myanmar is an area famous for its variety of gemstone minerals.

Kyawthuite (KI-awth-weet) was officially recognized by the International Mineralogical Association in 2015.  The discovery holds significant geological importance.  Its formation occurs within a "pegmatite" deposit, an igneous rock known to host rare and valuable minerals.  A January 2024 article in Mechdaily calls Kyawthuite the rarest thing in the world.

While learning about this rarity, it occurs to me that each of us could wear the label 'rarest in the world' cuz each of us is one-of-a-kind.  Why can't the human population recognize each other as rarities, rather than battering boards for preconceived criticisms.  This gem can be a powerful teaching tool for us to realize our significance on the planet.  If the gem is the only one of its kind, well, each of us is, as well.  

How dare one person think they are more significant than another?  Nature is Scripture....affording us tangible teaching tools from which to learn and understand that which is otherwise unknown to us.  If we don't study Nature, we cheat ourselves out of so much during our lifetime.  Our Creator must've thought and thought how He could make such scripture available to humans.......that's when He decided to surround us with answers.  Then He empowered us with natural curiosity....the one thing that urges us to open our eyes and look for the answers.

On those days when sadness envelops our spirit, we must think of ourselves as the rarest gem on the planet.  There's not one single other person like us anywhere and never will be.  The parts of us that others criticize are the things that prove we are each tailor-made.