ME WILL BE at the local hospital lab at 2 this afternoon for routine blood work, followed by a routine appointment with my dear doctor. Me has no major complaints. There's always the fear that something will show up in the blood test results, but me will not be worried until need be.
Me often talks about how our cranial cavities create our perspectives, our reactions, our opinions, and everything we frit and fret about. The funny thing about learning new things and expanding our minds, is that the mind cannot shrink itself back and simply unlearn those new things. Unless, of course, an illness savagely robs us of our thinking processes.
Why, at me's age, does me wrangle with the thought of going to the doctor? Me's personal physician caretaker is young, handsome, kind, caring, and has a relatable sense of humor that could comfort a mannequin. Perfect example of how my overly zealous mind forms fears and clings to them like a ring around the collar. Silly me.
Have you noticed me using the word me today? Me feels like spitting in the face of correctness for a change. It's a way for me to step off the literary sidewalk and do whatever me feels like doing. Maybe me should lower the bar and wear two different shoes to my doctor's appointment. Only problem me sees with that idea......he may want to put me in a facility with rubber walls. Will contain my frivolity in my blog arena. Me knows me is safe here. None of my readers will cast stones, and one or two might even leave me a beloved comment. Some of my readers may wonder if me has only two followers, but such is not the case. People don't care to leave their fingerprints on the internet, and that's totally understandable. (Heaven bless those who do! Blogging is the loneliest hobby on the planet.) For me, blogging is like hanging my underpants out to dry in front of the world.The A1C blood draw is the one that me fears the most. Diabetes is one of the maladies me will work hard to prevent. Coming up in August, me has a pre-op on August 2 and the forehead reduction surgery on the 6th of August. That will later be followed by an eyelid reduction. Hopefully by Christmas me will regain peripheral vision and no longer feel like I'm looking through a narrow rectangle all the time.
Aging is like a magic act. We have no idea what the magician will pull out of the hat next. Who on earth would've ever guessed me would need a forehead reduction? Never even heard of such a crazy thing. To maintain my humor intake, me simply sees it as adding two more scars to my already scarred vehicle. Me likes to think of my body as a vehicle that's all dented up, but the engine keeps on a chuggin'.
Blood tests mean me can't eat until after the appointments. The boyfriend wants to treat me to one of my favorite samiches at Micky D's......the Deluxe Crispy Chicken Samich. Don't know if we'll do that or something else. All will depend on how the appointment goes. If something goes haywire, me might prefer my turtle mode....where me crawls inside her shell and stays there.
Me thinks the heat wave across the nation is scary. When me hears 130 degrees, me thinks of a human oven. Me only wants to be inside in the a.c., and that's when me gets on my knees and thanks heaven for a.c. and the electricity that generates it. Me worries about the wildlife and the pets that may not be properly cared for. And, of course, the elderly and the babies, as well. We all need to pay close attention that our friends and neighbors are home safe and sound. After all, we are in this together, like it or not.
The boyfriend and me are contemplating some painting in our Venny unit. A burgundy paint trim will be replaced with a shade of green. The burgundy is beautiful, but after nearly eight years, we think it'd be fun to kick things up a notch and make changes. This will also open up a chance for me to create new pieces. A couple ideas are flopping around inside my cranial cavity. When that starts, well, then me is doomed to undertake some new design. It's that business of keeping the creative juices flowing.
Temperatures are predicted to reach 90 degrees here today and hotter for the weekend.
Me is off to join the circus!