Friday, February 9, 2024


This quotation is a keeper.  Lately I'm guilty of allowing my head to be in front of my heart.  Just in case there's anyone else out there like me, I share this hoping it may be of help.  

I've collected quotations for years, and these days quotations are featured on FB every day.  There are some pretty darned amazing ones.  Actually, sometimes they appear and seem to be speaking right to me.  Don't know if that's a coincidence, a synchronicity, or something from beyond our understanding. 

Enuf about quotations and on to my thought of doing an art show of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings.  For most of his works, he used the "impasto technique," by applying thick layers of paint to the canvas to produce a texture that makes the brush strokes stand out.   His work is known to have bold bright colors like his painting Sunflower and Rural Landscape.

Van Gogh said that the sunflower had a special significance to him.  They communicated 'gratitude.'   After he died at age 37, friends brought sunflowers to his funeral.  Sunflowers became synonymous with Vincent.

This is how I'll approach the telling of my favorite artist's works and life.  I know I'm drawn to his work because of his unrefined approach to painting.  My hope is that my followers find his story and his work fascinating.  

Artists speak to us through their paintings, the same as writers speak through their words on paper or screen.  It's fun to really look at a picture and study its contents and how the painter tells us about himself by what he paints and how he paints.  The story of Van Gogh's short lifetime holds many intriguing elements, as well, and I plan to delve into them and share here.   

Today we are taking a trolley and going to do something quite interesting.  Will tell about it in tomorrow's post.  Ta-ta till then.