Monday, February 5, 2024

 Jury deliberation is underway in the Jennifer Crumbley case, the mother of the Oxford School shooter, age 15.  Jennifer is charged with four counts of Involuntary Manslaughter.  If found guilty, this is the first case to rule a parent's responsibility in a school shooting.  This is monumental.  Having worked in juvenile court for nearly 30 years, it always bothered me that parents weren't held responsible for anything a juvenile does.  I'd best reign in my opinion here, but this case does matter to me.  After having watched a great deal of the testimony, there appears to be glaring parental negligence.  The shooter begged for help, didn't get it, but rather the parents bought him a gun.  I keep checking YT updates.  The jury has already asked the court for clarification on two of the instructions.  This jury has a big decision to make, and I pray they act according to the facts and not allow personal opinion to enter into their final decision.  

We've been having trouble with the volume on our Chromebook headphones.  Last night I found that there are volume boosters in the Chrome Web Store.  This can be found under Settings.  I've downloaded one app, and already I'm able to hear testimony that I could not before adding the extension.  Figured there had to be a way to improve the audio, and sure enough, there was.  We'll play around with it for a bit and can always remove this extension and download another.  Learned something new.

Gotta give an update on our 6-quart Drew Barrymore Air Fryer.  Last evening we used it for the first time.  Made Chinese egg rolls, tiny tater tots and onion rings.  OMG.  This new addition to our counter top gets an A+ in its first performance.  The nibbles were crispy, just perfect.  Am not sure if this is a good thing, or if this will be the cause of a few more pounds.  Regardless, it's a charm.  Plus, it's appearance is simple and blends in the kitchen nicely.

On this date in 62 CE, the cities of Pompei and Herculaneum, Italy, suffered a catastrophic earthquake that has been linked to the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius fifteen years later, when both towns were destroyed.   Pompeii is one place I wish I couldve visited.  I've watched video walking tours of the city more than once, and truth be told, I probably saw more on the video than I would've in person.  When people record walking tours, they call their watchers' attention to meaningful things that a normal passerby might miss. 

Temperature is 49°.  How crazy is that for February 5th.  Will there come a time when our part of the world won't experience winter?  It's been predicted that annual snow totals will decrease 24% by the year 2050.  In our region of the country, I think it's already decreased that much since we were kids.  What will this do to our water levels?  Will rain replace the snow?  One thing, we won't be around for the answer.  I'm still secretly praying for a doozy of a blizzard this winter, one that will keep even the giant rigs off the roads.  Hope no one throws stones my way for saying that, but I do love to watch the white flakes float down from the sky and then pile up on the ground.  There's something mystical about snow.

Best get on with my day.  Have a few chores waiting, plus gotta keep an eye out for a jury verdict.  What's interesting is that the shooter's parents requested separate trials.  The mother's trial is the one awaiting a verdict.  Then the shooter's father will have his own trial.  The school shooter's trial was held, and he was sentenced to life in prison without parole.  His parents could face a maximum of 15 years in prison if they're found guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter.

Till the morrow.....