Tuesday, February 20, 2024


This afternoon between 12 and 2, Miss Buffy Boo will be dropped off for her stay at our resort.  It's her vacation while her parents jet off to Napa Valley.  Buffy's suite is awaiting her 4-pound presence, and the boyfriend and I are prepared to fulfill her wishes for one week.  My heart skips a beat just thinking about her.  That's how fast those little fuzz buckets wiggle their way into our hearts and heads.    

Back to the art gallery........

The Bulb Fields - 1883
also known as
Flower Beds in Holland

This was Van Gogh's first garden landscape painting.  Nestled among the flower beds is a quaint Dutch village of thatch-roof cottages.  In the center of the painting is a solitary figure.  His presence adds a human element to the scene.  We are left to wonder if he is the gardener or the Dutch bulb merchant.  The walking paths between the flower beds create the illusion of depth on a flat surface.  This is a linear perspective.  

There's debate whether the flowers are tulips or hyacinths.  I'd put my nickel on hyacinths.  What are you thinking?  Regardless of the kind of flowers, Vincent combined nature with rustic Dutch architecture and created a masterpiece.

We see in this painting how Vincent transformed his style from dark and gloomy to vibrant color.  As someone said, "These flower beds look more like a selection of ice cream at the parlor.  Two scoops of strawberry, one vanilla, lemon and bubblegum, if you may." 

Note the two bare-branched trees.  What do they represent?  What are you thinking?  The bare branches are a contrast to the blooming flower beds.  Is he describing how his moods fluctuate?  The colorful flowers are his good days, and the bare-branched trees are his bad days.  If Vincent was living today, the doctors would have him on medication for a bipolar diagnosis.  He wouldn't have to suffer and struggle to make it through his days.  According to recent statistics, each year about 7 million U.S. adults experience bipolar disorder.  This tells us how fortunate we are to live in an age where the medical field has skyrocketed in excellence.  The more we understand the past, the more we can appreciate the present.  We have so much more than those who lived the century before us.🖌


  1. TC: Hyacinths is my guess. Blooms look t be fully opened. They aren't tall enough or the shape of tulips. The, as yet, leafless trees indicate spring or the man might not be wearing his jacket. Hyacinths bloom in the spring in cold climes. No purples, tho. Hmm.

  2. Thans, TC for you input. I so love it when my followers offer their opinions. Many thanks, sweet girl.
