Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Welcome to my newly fashioned blog design.  Yesterday I spent over five hours working on the change.  The dashboard wouldn't let me save the changes, and that caused me fits and frets.  Well, there's one thing about me, and that is that I'm determined.  When I come up against a problem, I'll bang my head on the wall until I am able to figure it out. 

The problem wasn't the dashboard.  It was my not noticing a small gray disc icon in the bottom right of the screen.  Yup, all I had to do was hit the icon and my changes were saved.  Five hours down the drain, but the main thing is that I learned something new.  Learning always trumps my frets.

I may change the background again in a while, now that I know the secret.  During my angst, I googled the problem and found other bloggers having the same question.  It wasn't only me who had this problem.  Nevertheless, my new design is simple, as I like it.

Gloomy with temperature in the 50s by mid-afternoon.  Wish there was a snow key I could push like the enter key on my keyboard.  

Now for yesterday's big news.  The jury found the mother of the Michigan school shooter guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter.  The evidence clearly showed her blatant acts of negligence.  The father is likewise charged, and his trial is coming up in March.  I'll be present for that trial, as well, via YT.  

Have been pondering a project to put on my blog.  Am toying with writing about the paintings of my favorite artist, Vincent Van Gogh.  All my working years, my office was a mini gallery of Van Gogh prints.  Remember the day the district supervisor came to talk to me and commented about them.  He had visited the Van Gogh Museum of Art in Amsterdam.  

What is it that draws a person to one style of art or a particular artist?  Always things to ponder.  
