Have been giving way to thoughts about attachment. It was Buddha who said that attachment is the root of all suffering.
It's true. When we are attached to others, their lives affect our own. If bad things happen to those people, we also feel their pain. If we lose them, we suffer the pain of no longer having them in our lives.
The older we get, the more we become attached to life. The thought of losing it becomes the source of suffering. We cling to life and fear the final unknown.
The more I entertain the thought about attachment, the more it makes sense. I remember when we downsized before moving to Venny. Stored in the garage attic was my first bicycle that Santa brought me when I was eight years old. I was so attached to it, that I never parted with it. The same goes for Dolly, the first doll that my gramma sewed for me. She still is with me.....sitting in a rocker in the bedroom.
When people that we are attached to no longer need us or include us, the separation hurts. The common thought is that the other person is equally attached to us, but that's not how it is. We put our own feelings on the other person, and that's when our expectations turn into disappointments.
It's good to ponder powerful thoughts. It helps me understand and tackle the worries that plague the mind. The more we cling, the more we suffer. It's that business of reliving something that happened years ago. If we don't let go, it just keeps festering and infecting our days. It would be like crying about losing the presence of water we swam in twenty years ago.
Change is the only constant. Every second is different from the one before and the one to follow. I've got to work on detaching. When someone puts me in the back of their bus, well, I can't be so naive as to think I matter to them. Just because someone is important to me, doesn't mean that I'm important to them. We keep everything alive through our thoughts. When we stop thinking about something or someone, well, then they don't take up space in our days. Guess that's what my mom meant when she told me to 'always keep busy.' What she was saying was 'always keep your mind busy' so as not to entertain upsetting thoughts.
It's dusk, the pages of the day are read. I'll close the book for another time.