Just like a snap of the finger, I'm tired of the way my blog looks. It's time to fiddle around with the dashboard and see what I can come up with. This is my pattern in all facets of life. One day I can wake up and absolutely have to rearrange the furniture or change something around. Wacky me.
When I first started blogging, the dashboard (control center) was different and much more user friendly. The newer version is more limited. With a title like Prisms and Polka Dots, my background choices are slim. Regardless, I'm hoping to jazz things up a bit.
Jury deliberation is on the second day. I wouldn't place a bet either way. Being on this jury would have to be a huge undertaking. From the evidence and testimony that I watched, my leaning is toward a guilty verdict. It's all about her many acts of negligence. We'll see. My thinking is the jury may return a not-guilty verdict. With the increasing number of school shootings, just maybe if parents shared the responsibility, they might be more diligent. This is definitely a landmark case for our judicial system to wrangle with. You can bet there'll be an appeal if there's a guilty verdict. And, then there's always the possibility of a hung jury.
The boyfriend is down at a coffee and cinnamon roll gathering. I'm waiting for a phone call, so I chose to stay back. The gals on the social committee buy the frozen cinnamon rolls and then bake and frost them. They're totally delicious. We've bought them in the past at Fareway, but don't dare keep 'em on hand all the time. I suffer from whale syndrome as it is.
While I had a cold/flu, my appetite disappeared. Well, that's no longer the case. My taste buds are a gleeful bunch who love to party. One side of my brain tells them to knock it off, and the other side of my brain tells them to go for it while they can.
The latest global sadness is King Charles' cancer diagnosis. The royal family is being plummeted with health issues. Goes to show how ridiculous 'royalty' really is. Despite their wealth and status, they are exactly like the rest of us. All the etiquette in the world doesn't change the basic human being, its design, its functions and frailties. One day I read somewhere on the net that the royals are forbidden to use the word 'toilet,' but instead to use the word 'loo.'
Think it must be a curse to be born into royalty. I'd much rather be a nobody and do whatever I feel like doing. Just imagine the pressure to simply 'look' the part. The rest of us may become lax in our appearances, but, for them, that's not an option. I've often wondered what their lives are like when they're totally behind closed doors. Bet they do the same stuff the rest of us do.
Can't help but chuckle at H's sudden trip to the UK. H & M are not on my kiss list. The way they betrayed the rest of the royal family is unforgivable, in my humble opinion. H could have simply jetted back to see his father, but, he didn't have to publicize it to take center stage.
Guess it's a world of personal opinions. 8 billion opinions, none of which mean a thing. What else is there? The way I see it, we all see the world differently. It's an absolute miracle that we're able to maintain any degree of civility. If we look around, there's more violence than ever. But, there are more people than ever before. One number affects the other.
Best work my three daily word puzzles. Am holding on to a 97% in Wordle. As I've said, the New York Times allows non-subscribers to play three free games each day.Ta-ta.