Before I forget, here's a photo of the display case featuring Venny teapots. Quite a number have already passed on their tea sets to their children or grandchildren.
My Gramma's teapot is the black one on the bottom shelf toward the back. This is my paternal Gramma, who died when I was two. The teapot came to me as a special gift from someone special who bought it at the family household sale many years ago. The teapot is the only thing of hers I've ever had. My miniature tea set is on the second shelf down.The 1800s silver tea set belongs to our next door neighbor. One set was purchased in Japan by a military pilot in World War II. He and his wife live down the hall from us.
On a small table next to the display case is a typewritten legend of who owns which set. Also a handout of the history of tea, which is the result of my research. Both of these are also my contributions to the display.
The boyfriend is running errands on this sunny day. Upper 50s predicted for this afternoon. Am toying with the thought of putting on my bikini and flopping down on the deck mid-afternoon to catch some rays. This weather is like something out of a sci-fi movie. Some of the clouds are white and puffy, like cool whip, and others are dark gunmetal blue, depending how the sun is shining. There must be air movement up there, cuz the clouds are crawling toward the northwest from where I'm looking out the window. "Clouds in the sky very much resemble the thoughts in our minds! Both change perpetually from one second to another!" ~Mehmet Murat ildan.