Stayed up till the wee hour of 3 a.m. Snow fell during the darkness, leaving an inch for us to look at this morning. My prayers again were 'slightly' answered. We do with what is granted to us.
Had supper guests last evening. Every day we add another page of memories to the life album. Like I've said in the past, friends are those we choose to be our family. The biological business is not within our realm to change.
On our recent trolley, we came across a barn that's being disassembled. The boyfriend's first words were, "That's a post and beam barn." Our car came to a stop so I could click a pic....
The stone base is as interesting as the top portion of the structure. We're thinking whoever is dismantling this barn is planning to save the post and beam skeleton to build a new structure. One can't imagine the work that was invested in the original build. Guess it's that business of good bones. We'll return to watch the progression.Not being familiar with 'post and beam,' I did some checking. Find out that it's also known as a 'timber frame' construction that used heavy timbers instead of modern dimensional lumber. It's a building method that goes back to 2,000 B.C. In Europe, there are post and beam buildings still standing that were built during the Middle Ages. This building would've been built in the 1800s. Assembling a timber frame required teamwork and an experienced crew. Imagine the amount of timber and the work it took to join the posts and beams together. Note the stone base. This barn was built in three stories, to store large amounts of hay to feed the livestock that were housed below.
Once again it's Friday, and today we're kicking back for a lazy day. The house is clean, the world outside is white, and there's nothing earth-shaking on the to-do list.
There's an old saying, 'spring will come when it snows on the Robin's tail three times.' This means that once the Robins return, it will snow three times and then winter will be over. This is snow #1, so are there two more on the way? This girl can only hope.