Monday, March 25, 2024

Our deck was covered with Snow.....until Mother Nature decided to delete it with rainfall.  Honestly, though, the flakes were the size of pennies.  We both took the time to watch them gently fall to the ground and then snuggle together.  

Funny thing.....this morning I woke up thinking it's Sunday.  The boyfriend told me his plans for the day, and my question was, "on Sunday??"  He quickly brought me back on track with the fact that, no, it's Monday.  Yowza, that means I SHOULD do something that brings us a step closer to spring tidiness.

The calendar nudges me to get at our income tax and get the necessary numbers in the mail for preparation.  E-filing makes it so much easier, but we still do have to drive 40 miles to sign the original documents.  That's our excuse to go out for lunch and a trolley around the countryside.  Seems like we just went through the motions of tax time. 

Got a sweet phone call yesterday......from Buffy's daddy.....wondering if Buffy could come over Wednesday afternoon and stay overnight.  My heart made a somersault.  My right arm will get lots of exercise by throwing his toys for retrieval.  She's so funny about her toys....she plays with one, then gets another, and this goes on until she plays with all of 'em.  

While reading the letters of Van Gogh, I came across the phrase, "weal and woe" or joy and sorrow.  At one time the words weal and wealth were synonymous.  Hmmm.  Weal was a new word to me, but now it's mine. 

Quite gloomy looking outside.  Don't have a clue what the day holds weather-wise.  Guess like everything else, we'll take it as it comes.

"In classical music, all the instruments start to play at the same time and there is a great wave of excitement, and Spring wakes up just like that!"  ~Mehmet Murat ildan