Sunday, March 24, 2024


Yup, Mother Nature has a sense of humor, and the last few days she's been up to her tricks.  One morning we have shadows on our deck, the next morning we have snow.  Back and forth.  She knows how I've begged her for a huge snow storm in our area, so she sends the snow to the earth when it's dark.  

Sunday it is once again.  Sports on the telly, and my agenda is still up in the air.  My study of Vincent spurred my interest in art, so I did a quick research of the art timeline throughout history.  Starting 40,000 years ago with cave painting.  Living where we do, art galleries just aren't, so I have to do my looking online.  Also took a virtual tour of Van Gogh's Museum in Amsterdam.  I'll revisit the Louvre one day, too.  There are a lot of cultural arenas that I'd have loved to see, but I'm a guppy swimming in a thimble.  But, that's okay.  What do they say?  Grow where we are planted and be happy. 

Don't really know what I'd do without the internet.  I try to imagine retirement without it, and simply am not able to.  Oh, I have a ton of other hobbies, but, they, too, depend on my beloved Chromebook for ideas and instructions.  To me, the internet is a classroom.  Migod, how blessed can we baby boomers be, having started out without televisions.  The fact that I carry a phone with me everywhere I go can't help but make me giggle.  I started out using a crank phone that hung like a baby coffin on the wall.  

Well, last night we opted for take-outs.  The boyfriend went down to the Great Room for our chicken suppers.  Neither of us felt like showering and getting all dressed up to eat supper and then coming right back home.  It's that business of being way too comfy.  Girls basketball was on the telly, and I, of course, was once again in the mountains of Iran with the nomads.  

So, we begin Easter week.  We've invited our Easter dinner guests, and we'll serve a turkey dinner about 3 o'clock in the afternoon.  When asked what they could bring, I quickly responded, "your delicious dressing."  He makes the best dressing ever, and I'm a lover of dressing.  He knows that I love it, and wasn't a bit surprised when I bleated out my request.  That's what makes life fun, when we can tease and enjoy one another's talents.  

I made a pretty spring yellow and lavender bouquet for the table.  Went to the Dollar Tree for the posies, and they're as pretty as can be.  Sweet and simple.

As I write each spring, I anxiously await the arrival of the trillium.  They grow along a trout stream, and it's there that we first see them.  Think I get more out of the miracle of their annual rebirth than I would if I sat through an hour-long church service.  It's just the way my heart is connected to the earth, always has been since a little girl.  Picking fragile violets on a hillside was my beloved alone time on the farm.  Spring's first flowers are tender little beings, their stems thin and almost transparent.  We tend to forget there's an entire realm beneath the ground that's more peaceful and punctual than we are above ground.  

Makes me think about replanting my olive tree.  Poor dear was in the same planter as the day I bought it.  It's Roots were bound, so I pulled them apart so they could stretch out in their new digs.  I tied the branches for support, and she is now one happy little member of the plant kingdom.  Both she and my precious gnome Odin will grace our deck when the weather warms up.  Notice the tiny gnome in the planter.  

One walker just went by, wearing a winter coat and stocking cap.  My phone tells me it's 30 degrees.  Great day to snuggle indoors and eat leftover chicken.  We're ones who feast on leftovers, unlike those who toss them in the wastebasket.  One builds creativity by re-purposing food.  Mom taught me that.  When we were kids at home, our fridge would have little sauce dishes of leftover food.  Mom had a way to put them altogether in a frying pan, scramble eggs on the whole works, and I loved it!  Don't think my daddy would've allowed us to be finicky about the food mom fixed.  One of the sweetest memories I have is of daddy giving mom a hug after a meal and thanking her.  That's an honest to God fact.  

Well, best get my day moving.  This is Palm Sunday.  I remember we used to save the palms by putting them behind a picture on the wall.  Some braided the fronds, but we didn't do that.  

Ta-ta till the morrow.