The purchase process took a couple of hours, which included downloading and deleting from the old phones, which we traded back to the cell phone company for $180 credit, which we applied toward phone accessories. As mentioned some time ago, we opted not to pay $30 per month for the protection plan. Sometimes a person has to evaluate the sense of some of this stuff. When the gal explained that we had "only today" to decide on this coverage, that said a lot to us. This is an impulse offer, taking advantage of the customer.
My new phone is red, Dale's is blue. We opted for the wireless charger that won't overcharge our phones. So, we're all set for another three years, hopefully.
We were going out to eat Chinese after the phone business, only to learn that the Dragon is closed now on Wednesdays. So, we utilized our buy-one Quarter Pounder get-one-free coupon at McDonald's.
Went to my eye doctor for a follow-up, had more testing, a bit of improvement, but not what she expected. I'll continue with 3 drops of prescription eye drops per day in both eyes, plus a Refresh eye ointment at bedtime.
Came back home, relieved to kick back for the rest of the day.