Friday, September 16, 2022

The Only Fear is Fear Itself

Am here to loudly proclaim that FEAR is definitely the acronym for False Expectations Appearing Real.  Yesterday's post captured my unrealistic fears prior to going to a routine doctor's appointment.  Had myself twisted in a knot over preconceived lab results.  This goes to show the power our minds have over us.  

Let me begin by saying that all my blood work came back spot on.  The stabbing pains and the dull aching in my left knee is the result of a small tear in the meniscus.  Was prescribed a topical gel to be applied three times a day plus an anti-inflammatory pill once a day, for two weeks.  If the pain persists after two weeks, then a cortisone injection would be the next step.  I am not to exercise the knee, but rather allow it to heal.  Whew!  My crazy head had me needing another knee replacement.  This diagnosis was music to my soul.  

This is a top-notch lesson for me.  This business of listening to our minds as they race to unrealistic conclusions is utterly silly.  This post cannot end without paying tribute to my primary caretaker.  He is a two in a million guy.....sharing ranks with another beloved surgeon who is currently a professor at Harvard in Boston.  Yup, I am blessed.

Not one word was mentioned about my weight.  I tried bribing the young guy who asked me to step on the scale, by offering him $25 if he'd deduct 25 pounds.  All I can assume is that no one had ever tried bribing him before, cuz he busted out laughing and completely lost his professional demeanor.  A girl can only try.  My crazy humor has gotten me in some medical situations in the past, but a person can't help what comes naturally.  My goal is to die laughing.

Both of us got our second Covid booster shots while at the clinic, plus our flu shots.  We're all set in that regard.  

So, that's where we're at today.  The boyfriend is going to pick up some groceries, while Cuddy and I snuggle in.  Gonna have grilled chicken for supper.  Till the morrow.......