The boyfriend is grilling pork chops for supper. He's been working in the shop and cleaning our garden plot. Picked the last of the peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. Calling it quits for the season. Our mini harvest has been more than we could eat ourselves, and sharing with our Venny friends is another worthwhile benefit of growing a garden.
Some sad happenings here. The sweet lady who repotted our Christmas Cactus has moved on to assisted living. One of our 8-some fell and is recuperating in a local rest home. Probably doubtful that he will return. The hardest part of living here is exactly this. Another of our dear Venny friends is scheduled for a quadruple bypass surgery next Tuesday in Rochester. He stopped by this afternoon, as they're leaving tomorrow. I was able to give him a big hug and wish him well.
Right now it's happy hour. Am busy planning a dinner party this coming Friday to celebrate our 55th anniversary plus the birthday of one of our friends here. I absolutely love parties, and will take every opportunity to entertain. Along with that comes planning what to serve. We don't find it enjoyable to eat in restaurants anymore for various reasons.
The clouds are dark blue-gray, typically fall-like. Dale saw flocks of birds gathering, would imagine in preparation for the fall migration.
This is the first day I can say my knee feels the best since the diagnosis. Am taking care like the doctor advised. If it keeps improving, there won't be any need for a cortisone shot. They never seem to work for me anyway.
Cuddy just finished supper and begged for a greenie treat. He is the sweetest creature of habit. Now, he's laying down until it'll be time to go out before bed. I dread relinquishing visitation rights in a week.