Thursday, September 29, 2022

Have been piddling around in the kitchen preparing for tomorrow night's dinner party here at 5 p.m.  One of our 8-some won't be with us, but we shall persevere best we can while we can.

The boyfriend and I work very well together in the kitchen.  Whenever we have company, we make the food together.  Don't think many couples married 55 years get along as well as we do.  That's not saying that we don't have our bumps, but we are quick to make a joke.  Both of us are even-steven when it comes to minor glitches.  I'm probably more apt to screw something up than he is, but I'm okay with that.

Put together part of the ramen noodle coleslaw salad, leaving the almonds and crisp noodles right before serving.  To give the salad a pop, I'm putting in red grape halves.  That adds an extra tier of flavor, plus looks pretty.  

Trying a new appetizer recipe.....spinach balls baked in the oven.  The recipe calls for a box of stove stop chicken stuffing, 3 eggs beaten, finely chopped green onions, salt, pepper, 1/4 t. thyme, 1 tsp garlic powder, 6 T melted butter, 10 oz. frozen spinach thawed/drained and 1 cup of grated parmesan cheese.  Mix all together really well.  Think that's all that was in them.  Will let sit in the fridge so the flavors marry until tomorrow when we'll make them into 1-inch balls and bake at 350 until brown.  Will put an appetizer toothpick in each one for easy eating.  

Plan is to have a bowl of mixed nuts, plus a tray of Havarti cheese and fresh blueberries and sweet gherkin pickles on toothpick skewers.  Part of the fun of entertaining is choosing goodies for our guests.  It's fun trying new recipes.  If the ingredients are good, how can the end result not be good.  That's how I roll.

We're taking a break now.  Watching the damage in Florida in the wake of Hurricane Ian.  On a better note, our friend who had the open-heart triple bypass is doing so well, he may be returning home on Saturday.  Best part is he won't need to go to a rest home or swing bed for rehab.  He'll be coming right to Venny.  We're SO happy.

It's a gorgeous autumn day here.  Earlier as the sun shone on my beaded sun catchers, tiny rainbows danced on our walls.  Rainbows are a nice way to start the day.