Thursday, September 22, 2022

First day of autumn, and what a beauty it will be!  Sun is shining and the air is crisp and cool.  Those of us who do best in cooler temperatures are thrilled to bring sweatshirts and long-sleeved t-shirts to the front of our closets.  

A while back I ordered a black sweatshirt with Andrea Bocelli's photo on the front.  Cannot wait to wear it.  All my sweatshirts and t-shirts represent somewhere we've been, someone I've seen, or something that I especially like.  That's the fun part of today's casual tendencies.  In some instances, perhaps too casual, but that's for the wearer to decide.  There's one of my sweatshirts that was bought for $1 at a garage sale, and it's from a Barefoot Bar.  The cuffs and neckline are tattered, but there's no way I'll part with it. 

Comfort is paramount.