Today it feels like I should begin by saying 'Bless me Father, for I have sinned.'
That's what it's gonna feel like at 11 o'clock this morning at my routine doctor's appointment. Might add that it's well timed, considering my knee pain. My doctor is kind and never harshly calls attention to my weight, because he knows how much it bothers me. When the nurse weighs me, I tell her I do not want to know the number. Am here to say that at my age, the mirror is my worst enemy.
Have said before in my posts that us wiser women morph into two types of body shapes......the tree stump or the scarecrow. Isn't that a fright?
Lab work at 10, appt at 11. Am expecting my numbers to be skewed. The ones that should be high will be low, and the ones that should be low will be high.
Am hoping for a knee x-ray, unless it's a simple diagnosis like tendonitis. Want to get that under control. One thing for sure, I am my mother's daughter and my gramma's granddaughter, two ladies who suffered the woes of severe arthritis. They, however, didn't have the opportunity for joint replacement, while I've already had a shoulder, a hip, a knee and a thumb joint replaced. Guess I'm the lucky one, but those surgeries drained the sap out of me for sure.
Sounds like this girl is crying in her soup, which is what I don't want to do. Guess it's all about the thing called FEAR. Recently read that FEAR stands for False Expectations Appearing Real. That about nails it on the head.
So it is that I'm off to shower and get ready for the mental massacre. The tree stump is about to get the axe. Tomorrow I shall report the good, the bad, but not the ugly. For me, two mottos apply: Flat's Where It's At........and...........Fat's Where It's At.
Time for my penance, and hopefully absolution.