8 degrees above this morning, as we head to my follow-up appointment at 9:45. Tree branches are dancing, so the wind probably has a negative chill factor. That's okay, our Subee has heated seats and a good heater.
A great part of winter is the cold...at times frigid cold. That's what creates icicles and ice skating ponds. Also, treacherous roads. Oh, how I remember the 44 winters driving 26 miles every day to and from work. Must've had an angel sitting on my shoulder, cuz I'm still here.Today's appointment will take only a few minutes, and I should find out more about the second procedure scheduled for January 2nd. My regular doctor, who I saw on Monday, was pleased with the results thus far and advised me to get the rest done and put it behind me. He got a nod from me.
Yesterday I spent time visiting with my next-door neighbor. I typed up a legend to go with the showcase in the fireside room downstairs. This holiday season Nativity scenes are the spotlight, on loan from other members of the Venny family. Some of the sets are from Norway, others from Mexico, Haiti and Germany. When we all put our abilities together, we make one mighty fine group!
The plan is to go out for lunch after my appointment. Probably to North Country Buffet, where one can choose from a taco bar, a salad bar, a grill, and desserts. We're spontaneous, so can never predict for sure what we'll end up doing.