Here I sit, looking out the windows into a pea-soup fog that's settled over us like a low-lying cloud. Am thinking about there being only today and tomorrow left of 2024. At midnight tomorrow a new year.....every day blank.....will present itself to us. It's not we who decide what words will be written on those blank pages....we can only wonder what situations will confront us in the next twelve months.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. ~Stephen Hawking
I would sooner live in a cottage and wonder at everything than live in a castle and wonder at nothing. ~Joan Winmill Brown
Wisdom begins in wonder. ~Socrates
To be more childlike, you don't have to give up being an adult. The fully integrated person is capable of being both an adult and a child simultaneously. Recapture the childlike feelings of wide-eyed excitement, spontaneous appreciation, cutting loose, and being full of awe and wonder at this magnificent universe. ~Wayne Dyer
Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe. ~Wayne Dyer
The last two quotations above come to us from Wayne Dyer. His book, Wisdom of the Ages, was and is one of the books that has carried me through my journey. Self-help author, Wayne Dyer (1940-2015) believed that trusting in yourself will align you to the same wisdom that created you. He felt there is no happenstance in this universe....that it is held together by a divine light.It's interesting to me how we choose to read books that have within them the perfect-fitting words. I've wondered about this a lot of times over the years. Why did I choose that one book out of all the self-help books on the shelves of Barnes & Noble? What lured me to pick that one book out among the rest?
Probably my fave of Dyer's quotes is: You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside. They tie in with yesterday's post about working on my new year's approach to cutting out negative thoughts and pasting positive ones in their place.
I'm planning my January blog topic and think it's gonna be enlightening and fascinating. It's a topic that right now I know virtually nothing about. I can only wonder what's out there waiting to be explored, discovered and shared. Hope you will stick with me.