Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Angels are like diamonds.
They can't be made.
You have to find them.
~Jaclyn Smith

In a spiritual context, angels offer us protection, comfort, guidance and inspiration.  The primary job of an angel is to help us along our personal journeys through this thing we call life.

Perhaps some prefer not to believe in the concept of angels, but I gotta say that the idea of having a benevolent being assigned to walk beside me is a source of comfort.  More than ever, we humans are living in an era of disbelief and uncertainty.  As a little girl, never could I have imagined a world like the one we live in today.  More than ever, we need to put our faith in angels that will act as barriers between us and adversity.  

Maybe there's an ongoing angelic network of communication that we can't see or hear.  Do you ever wonder if something is a synchronicity or a coincidence?  A coincidence is something that's not planned or arranged, but seems like it is.  Like when you bump into a friend at the grocery store.  A synchronicity is a coincidence that feels like it has a deeper meaning to it....more like a meaningful message from the universe. 

Sadly, none of us has concrete evidence of anything.  But, we do have the ability to choose the beliefs that best help us get through the challenging chaos and circumstances we will inevitably face.  If it helps to rely on an angel who will guide and protect, well, that's an amazing human gift.  

Do I believe in angels?  Honestly?  Yes.   I've encountered too many of them in my years to not believe.  None of them had wings, nor did they fly around sprinkling stardust.  They were what I call Earth Angels.  Funny thing, each Angel brought with them exactly what I needed at that moment.