Saturday, December 28, 2024


We're fast approaching the time for New Year's Resolutions.  According to a 2024 Statista poll, the most popular resolutions in the U.S. are 28% to save money, 17% to exercise, and 19% to eat healthier.  I'm fairly certain that every year since my mid-30s, I resolved to lose weight, exercise more, blah, blah, blah.  It's that business of Barbie, the anorexic doll, being the symbol of the perfect girl.  News flash:  I weighed more than Barbie when I was born.  For me to ever look like Barbie would be like me hoping to wake up tomorrow and be a tree instead of a person.

So, why do we fail at these end-of-year promises?  Sometimes we set unrealistic goals.  It's mighty hard to change our behavior to be, and look like, something we're not.  We must always keep our inherited ancestral genes in perspective.  If one's parents are both over 6 feet tall and skinny as a rail, chances are good one is not going to be a chubby little elf.

Then there's the business of life interruptions.  Let's imagine it's the second week in January, and we've religiously followed a new eating and exercise regimen.  Then, like the flip of a switch, an unexpected bad event happens.  WHAM!  What's the first thing we turn to for comfort?  Yup, soul-soothing food.  We reach a point where we feel there's no point in continuing with our struggles.  

Phone Apps just might be the answer to sticking with our resolutions.  They track progress, set reminders and provide easy access to tools that assist in achieving goals.  When choosing an app, it's best to select one that is easy to navigate, a friendly companion.  Check the app's privacy policies to be sure data is safely protected.

We're lucky to live in a time where we can access information and develop the skills we need for personal growth, productivity and self-improvement.  I figure why not use all the luxuries that are available.  If our phone plan offers a free app download, why not take advantage of it.  

Guess I should add apps to my gratitude list.