Thursday, June 22, 2023

Robin shares this picking of strawberries from their garden.  My mind visualizes them drenched in chocolate and me dipping each one in a tub of Cool Whip!

June is the month we all wait to hear that the strawberries are ready to pick.  It's the season for eating sundaes and shortcakes, pies and preserving jam.

Legend has it that if you break a double strawberry in half and share it with someone, you will fall in love with each other.  The strawberry was a symbol of Venus, the Goddess of Love, because of its heart shape and red color.


  1. OMG, dipped in chocolate sounds so good. My sister-in-law picked twice a week ago, brought us a pail-ful and we've enjoyed fresh berries on biscuits. Mmmm good!

  2. Made a batch of jam out of them! 🍓 thanks for sharing my photo!

  3. I am probably the only person on earth that doesn't care for strawberries. I'd rather have a juice fresh peach or yummy blueberries. Strange I know! AK

  4. Hey, it's okay to have your own tasters......that's what makes us all unique. Blueberries are touted to be one of the healthiest foods. And, peaches are an awesome treat 'specially with ice cream!!!!!!!
