Monday, June 5, 2023

A couple of days have passed since my last posting.  There are times that I choose relaxation over accomplishment and make no bones about it.  I read somewhere that each life has an expiration date so am making sure this chick's wishes are met.  

For those who faithfully follow my days, I feel compelled to say that my good luck just keeps happening.  Now I've won a Ryobi One Chainsaw from Harbor Freight.  It's a bam scam world out there.

Yesterday I got wound up in two YT murder interrogations.  In one of them, the Texas Rangers were brought in to assist in the solving.  Learned a lot about the Rangers in those interviews.  Quite a remarkable group of individuals.  After that, I got involved in part of the one trial and listened to what the judge had to say to the murderer just before he ordered a life in prison w/o possibility of parole.  

There's a haze in the air this morning.  Bad air quality type of day.  My eyes are dry and driving me nuts.  Wish I could take 'em out and soak 'em in water for a whole day.  Our eye doctor tells us to use eye drops several times each day.  

There's nothing earthshaking happening, and that's a good thing.  Kinda fits with the old saying that no news is good news.  

Stay cool......temperature wise and otherwise!