Friday: Leftovers for tonight's supper. The word "leftovers" can be deceiving, especially when they consist of half of the chicken pot pie that the boyfriend made the night before. To say it was delicious is an understatement.
Saturday: A bitter-sweet day for us. At 3:30 p.m., we packed up all of Cuddy's things and took him back to his real home. His parents treated us to yummy refreshments, a bbq rib supper topped off with amazing strawberry shortcakes. The shortcake was homemade, the real deal!
The drive back home from Cuddy's house was quiet. A profound emptiness.
Sunday morning: We slept in till 10:30. Dale deserves a good sleep-in now that he doesn't have to take Cuddy out for his morning walk. Our area was blessed with a beautiful rainfall last night. Today it's overcast and looks like there's a light mist coming down.
We're settled in for a tranquil day. Just the two of us.