Man alive, am I on a roll. Just won a Harbor Freight Power Washer and a Kohl's Ninja Air Fryer. Must have a 4-leaf clover in my pocket!
A few Venny friends are putting together a picnic for Friday afternoon. Boyfriend will be grilling burgers, there will be potato salad, and we'll wait to hear what we can add to the table. This is kind of an impromptu affair, one that sounds really fun. It's gonna be a lighthearted gathering, cuz one of the guys told Dale to leave me at home and bring Cuddy instead. Love the humor!
Gonna be another warm day. The faithful walkers have been out already doing their laps around Venny. The only exercise I get is watching them. My left knee threw a fit this morning, so I'm taking it easy. My joints get kinda snappy some days, so I simply give the space to get their act back together.
How can it already be June? The summer is zipping by. It's once again time to write an article for the newsletter. I have a topic in mind, it's just how to put it together. Have to gather more facts before I start.
Nothing newsworthy. Just another ho-hum day. Cuddy's eaten his breakfast and is taking a nap. It's gonna be too warm for him to be out on the deck. He's about where he needs a haircut, but we'll let his daddy take care of that when he gets back from his fishing trip to Canada. He sent us photos that he took of the brilliant Northern Lights.There is beauty in darkness.