For some, food plays important roles in the seasonal holidays. It's part of the human celebration of life and special events along the way. Sadly, there are places on earth where people aren't as fortunate. And, that makes me extremely sad. What would that be like?
During these times of's good to remind ourselves of just how much we are gifted, rather than let our minds get swept away with political brooms. If someone would ask me if there was ever a day in all of my years that I didn't have food to eat, my answer would be NO. Every day of my life I've had food, shelter, water, and never one day did I wake up and not feel loved by someone. If that isn't being blessed, then I don't know what is.
Life wasn't designed to lavish us with glitz, glitter and glamour. If we have the basics to sustain life comfortably, that's being blessed. Every single topping beyond that is a luxury. All we really need is less.