Friday, October 11, 2024


 I don't really have a Bucket List anymore, cuz most things have been crossed off.....except I've added one more.  What is it?

GO KAYAKING.  Yup, that's what I gotta do next summer.  This may require manpower to get me in and out of the kayak, but I think I know the right people.  (giggle)  All my life I've loved the water.....went fishing as a kid.....boating, water skiing and canoeing all my married life......but never went kayaking.  It only stands to reason that this should be on my Bucket List.

It's good for the soul to have something to look forward to.  My personality tends to lean on the side of caution these days, but I can think of nothing more fun than to get back on the water.  The ideal place would be on an Up North lake, but we have awesome canoeing and kayaking close to home, plus a couple of man-made lakes within easy driving distance.  


  1. Wow, I admire your adventurous spirit!…I just want to sir, watch movies and finish all my cross stitch projects ;-)

  2. Doug and Bonnie DevorakOctober 11, 2024 at 2:36 PM

    Wooley says he would like to join you in that Kayak!

    1. Tell Sir Woolerson that most assuredly my lap would be a throne for His Royal Highness!

  3. I think if you've canoed, you'll enjoy kayaking. Do let us know.

  4. Oh, yea, we canoed a lot, we owned a Grumman for years. It was really hard parting with it when we moved to Venny.
