A voice inside my head told me to turn the sketch book sideways, and when my eyes settled on the tangle they saw a fish. The puppy's ear is a fish's pectoral fin, the puppy's muzzle is a fish's dorsal fin, and the puppy's tail is the fish's tail.
This is 100% accidental. This is what I call the fun of creating.....sometimes we surprise ourselves. What I considered a meaningless doodle, actually turned out to be a duo doodle.Yesterday I took my brain on vacation. My brain and I watched 2024 Hallmark Christmas movies on You Tube. Even movie theaters are a thing of the past. What a luxury to lean back in my retirement recliner and watch movies on my Chromebook. Who'd ever have thunk that the day would come when I'd be surrounded by such comfort. I don't take anything for granted, if possible.
They say (whoever they are) that we can offer our ordinary daily actions up as prayers. When I crochet, when I doodle, when I work on any project, I offer each stitch and doodle as a prayer of gratitude. Rarely do I pray to ask for anything, but mostly thank for everything. Maybe the puppy and fish are the result of prayer doodles. Something more to ponder.