This recipe appeared on my Facebook feed and caught my eye. The boyfriend and I are known to make pickled onions to put on sandwiches. Most of our meals include onions in one form or a salad, in the main dish, sauces or eaten raw as a side nibble. And, who doesn't love onion rings! There's an old-fashioned drive-in like back in the 1960's that serves the greasiest and utterly fattening onion rings on planet Earth, yet at least once a summer I treat myself to a large serving. OMG......they might not be healthy for my body, but they sure do wonders for my emotional health. Give me that along with a squeeze bottle of ketchup, and I am one happy girl!
Red onions have twice as much of the antioxidant quercetin as white onions and 14 times the amount that's in garlic. Eating onions is medically touted to reduce risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, managing cholesterol levels and reducing inflammation. Onions contain fiber and vitamin C, which boost the immune system. Studies show that red onions are effective at reducing colon cancer cells. This is important to me, cuz my daddy died from colon cancer.
An onion can make people cry.....
but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.
~Will Rogers