A couple of weeks ago I posted a rant regarding a hospital employee's error that caused the cancellation of a surgical procedure.
Since that post, my angst and frustration have changed to prayer. The first procedure is now re-scheduled for October 22, and the second procedure for January 2. It's clear to me that hospital staff are doing all they can to remedy the mistake. This long wait must be a test of my patience. It's a real discipline to have one's hopes and expectations crushed and be powerless to do anything about it. One recognizes how little control we have, and that lack of control seems to be growing. Every which way we turn, there are "powers that be" putting barriers between us and the things we need.
The boyfriend and I have some serious salsa making and freezing to do. Years back a dear friend shared the recipe for fresh salsa. Cut up tomatoes, green peppers, jalapeno pepper, onions, salt, pepper, cilantro and lemon juice. Am going to make some of that for sure. It's not only yummy, but packed with nutrition.The boyfriend picked posies from his garden. His favorite flowers are gold and yellow, from spring's daffies to autumns mums and mari's. Fresh flowers bring a sense of calm to the home. Touches of Nature nurture and sustain us physically and emotionally.Earlier in this post I mentioned how it feels when we lose our power. To me, it feels like half of society has the iron hand of control and regulation holding them in place.......and then, there's the sector that does all things illegal, get away with it, and are compensated besides. In order for me to be able to function in a world like this, I must rely on Mother Nature to steer my thoughts away from the detriments of society and on Nature's blessings and bounty. A simple bouquet of posies has the power within them to offer my heart the comfort to trust in a Force beyond understanding. It is my belief that we, as humans, are losing our morality. That, to me, is enough to make me cry.
It was 1 o'clock in the morning when we both walked out on the deck and looked up at last night's Super Blue Moon. Once more, I looked to Nature to safeguard my faith in a Force that keeps a bright eye open in the darkness.....watching over the world as we inch-by-inch lose our way amid the hate and violence. There is nothing on this planet that sustains my heart, my mind and my soul like the powers of Mother Nature. It is She who makes it possible for that bouquet of yellow flowers to come into our home. It is Mother Nature who lights the day. It is She who lets us see the stars that can only be seen when darkness sets in. It is She who allows puffy white cool-whip clouds to float above us. She alone sends rain to fill the wells deep inside the earth. Mother Nature's gifts just keep on giving. I can understand why She sends hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, tsunamis, flooding.......Mother Nature gets angry and frustrated, too. When humans greedily destroy Her rain forests and Her wooded lands that serve as homes and shelters for wildlife .....is it any wonder She sets the Earth in cycles of destruction. Remember the Chiffon Margarine commercials in the '70s.......It's not nice to fool Mother Nature?